
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们将世界知名的专业知识与同理心相结合, 高质量的结直肠癌护理.



UCLA Health is ranked as one of the nation's Best 医院 in cancer by U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道. 我们提供结肠直肠癌 治疗及筛检 通过 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心 (JCCC). The JCCC is consistently recognized for excellence in research and outstanding patient care.

Our colon cancer specialists offer expertise and unwavering support through every stage of your cancer journey. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,你会发现:

全国认可的团队: Our innovative UCLA colorectal surgeons are leaders in their field.

全面的、富有同情心的护理: Our physicians take time to ensure that you understand your diagnosis and know what to expect from your care. We aim to make you and your loved ones as comfortable as possible throughout your colorectal cancer treatment. 

方便的位置: We offer colon and rectal cancer services in multiple locations across the greater Los Angeles region. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心's community cancer care centers, you receive the highest quality care, close to home.


UCLA's 结肠直肠癌 Treatment Program offers comprehensive services, 包括:


诊断给了我们一个起点. We use the latest technology to detect colorectal cancer symptoms and diagnose cancer quickly so that we can start treatment right away.

结肠镜检查: A procedure that allows your doctor to use a colonoscope to examine the inside of your lower digestive tract, 就是你的结肠和直肠. 结肠镜检查时, your doctor finds and removes precancerous growths (polyps) and early colorectal cancers .

直肠指检: An examination in which a doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum to feel for lumps.

钡灌肠: 一种影像检查,医生将液体注入直肠, 寻找结肠和直肠的息肉或增生.

乙状结肠镜检查: A procedure in which a doctor uses a sigmoidoscope to take images inside the rectum and lower part of the colon.

活组织检查: A procedure to extract a small tissue sample of a tumor and then look at it under the microscope.


You can inherit certain types of colorectal cancers, such as Lynch syndrome. That's why UCLA Health's 结肠直肠癌 Program offers genetic testing, counseling and guidance. Our specialists evaluate factors that increase your risk and help you make important decisions about your health. 了解更多关于我们的癌症遗传学项目.


Colorectal cancer occurs when cells 在结肠或直肠 grow out of control. 从小成长开始, 或息肉, 在结肠或直肠, 结直肠癌可以扩散到身体的其他部位. 我们治疗所有类型的结肠癌和直肠癌,包括:

腺癌: The most common type of colon cancer, adenocarcinoma starts in the glands that line the colon.

类癌肿瘤: 一种罕见的结直肠癌, a carcinoid tumor is usually slow-growing and often symptom-free for years. Also called a neuroendocrine tumor, these tumors start in the colon's hormone-producing cells.

胃肠道间质瘤(GIST): A GIST begins in the nerve cells of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract wall. 一种罕见的结直肠癌, GISTs can be slow or fast growing.

淋巴瘤: An immune system cancer that can begin in the lymph nodes located 在结肠或直肠.

肉瘤: 一种起源于血管的结直肠癌, muscle layers or other connective tissues of the colon and rectum walls. 了解更多关于肉瘤的知识.


Whether you need minimally invasive surgery or a complex treatment plan, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康提供最先进的治疗方法, 包括:


Doctors can treat some types of colorectal cancer tumors with non-surgical treatments.

化疗: 强效抗癌药物. Chemotherapy is often used in conjunction with radiation to shrink tumors before surgery.

放射治疗: The use of high-energy radiation beams to shrink tumors before surgery.

免疫疗法: A drug regimen that recruits your body's immune system to fight against the cancer. Immunotherapy medicines can be injected under the skin or into the muscle, 静脉注射的静脉注射或口服的.

靶向治疗: 也叫生物疗法, these drugs attack specific cancer cells to stop tumors from growing, 不伤害正常细胞.


Our specially-trained experts specialize in a range of surgical procedures to treat colorectal cancers. 这些包括:

局部切除: 早期结直肠癌的微创手术. Local excision uses a colonoscope to remove small cancerous tumors in the colon.

腹腔镜手术: 一种用于切除的微创手术技术. Laparoscopic surgery involves a shorter recovery and is less painful than traditional surgery.

切除: Surgery for advanced cancers to remove the portion of the colon that contains cancer, 以及附近的健康组织和淋巴结. It may also require an opening outside of the body (colostomy) to allow waste to pass to an external bag.


With well-known leaders in the fields of colon and rectal cancers, 我们的团队提供从诊断到康复的尖端护理.


呼叫 888-662-8252 to request an appointment with a colorectal cancer specialist at UCLA Health.


Our colorectal cancer specialists have the experience and expertise you can trust. 欲了解更多信息,请与癌症护理专家联系 888-662-8252.