
Our internationally recognized team of 妇科肿瘤学家和其他 women’s cancer specialists delivers the highest-quality care with compassion.



我们提供妇科癌症治疗通过 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心 (JCCC). The JCCC has an international reputation for providing the most up to date multidisciplinary 妇科肿瘤 treatments as well as new experimental therapies. 我们的专家指导下一代的医学研究.

我们的医生以病人为中心, 以证据为基础的, 全面的癌症治疗方法, 以坚定的支持和同情发表. 我们擅长所有类型的妇科癌症, 包括颈, ovarian, 子宫内膜, 子宫癌. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,你会发现:

妇科癌症专业知识: Our gynecologic oncologists deliver leading-edge treatments and the best possible care.

致力于创新研究: Our patients inspire us every day to push the boundaries of science in search of a cure for gynecologic cancers.

个性化的护理: Our gynecologic肿瘤学 care 不会因为诊断或治疗而停止. 我们以同情为领导,在前进的每一步提供支持.

方便的位置: We offer gynecologic cancer treatment at multiple locations across the greater Los Angeles region. Our experts provide the highest quality care close to home at several UCLA Health community cancer care centers throughout the area.


从诊断到癌症后的护理, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的妇科肿瘤学家提供全面的服务, including:


A correct diagnosis is essential for your team to create a curative treatment plan. Diagnostic testing for cervical, 子宫内膜, ovarian, and uterine cancer includes:

先进的成像: Tests that include X-rays and imaging, such as CT, MRI, and positron emission tomography (PET) scans.

Pap smear 和HPV检测: Screening tests in which cervical cells are collected to look for cervical abnormalities or cancerous tissues.

阴道镜: An exam using a light and a magnifying lens to look for cancerous tissues on the cervix.

宫颈活检: A procedure to remove a small piece of cervical tissue to check for cancer cells.
子宫内膜活检: A procedure to remove a sample of the uterine lining to look for abnormal cells.

环电切术(LEEP): A procedure that uses a wire loop to remove cervical tissues for testing.


Experts in the UCLA Health Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology care for people at high risk for gynecologic cancer due to their family history. Our specialists evaluate biomarkers (genetic test results) that suggest an increased risk of women's cancers such as ovarian 子宫癌. 了解更多皇冠hga025的癌症遗传学项目.


Our cancer care team provides treatment for all types of gynecologic cancers, including:

宫颈癌: 子宫颈癌,子宫颈连接子宫和阴道. HPV是一种性传播疾病,可导致宫颈癌.

卵巢癌: A type of cancer that begins in the ovaries, which produce eggs and female hormones. 早期卵巢癌的症状并不常见, 所以这种恶性肿瘤通常在晚期才被诊断出来.

子宫(内膜)癌: Cancer that occurs in the 子宫内膜 cells that line the uterus, the organ in which a fetus grows. Uterine cancer is often caught early based on symptoms such as abnormal vaginal bleeding. Other uterine cancers arise from the muscle cells that make up the uterus.

阴道癌: 一种生长在阴道表面的罕见癌症.

会阴部的癌症: Cancer that grows in the area surrounding the urethra (tube that empties urine from the bladder) and the vagina, 包括阴蒂和阴唇. 这种妇科癌症的第一个征兆是经常发痒.


Our treatment approach depends on the stage and specific type of the cancer as well as your reproductive plans. We partner with you to determine the treatment plan that's right for you. 它可能包括:


我们的医生治疗一些妇科癌症不需要手术. 我们提供的非手术治疗包括:

化疗: 针对癌细胞的特殊药物的系统输送. Our gynecologic oncologists create personalized chemotherapy plans tailored to your specific needs.

放射治疗: The use of high-energy radiation beams to destroy cancer cells without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue. 如果你不适合做手术, 你的团队可能会使用放射疗法来破坏癌变组织.

临床试验: 有前景的妇科癌症治疗的研究.


Our world-class surgeons remove cancerous tumors and tissue while preserving healthy tissues and organs. 在晚期癌症中, our 妇科肿瘤学家和其他 experts pair surgery with other treatments to achieve the best possible outcomes. 我们的手术专长包括:

微创手术: A surgical approach that uses smaller incisions and causes less pain and scarring. Patients require less recovery time in the hospital and experience fewer postsurgical complications. Laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgery are minimally invasive techniques.

机器人协助手术: An advanced technology our surgeons use to perform complex surgical techniques through small incisions. Our gynecologic surgeons are among the country's most experienced surgeons using this technology.

子宫切除术: 子宫切除术子宫的手术切除. At UCLA Health, surgeons may perform a hysterectomy through the abdomen or vagina. They may use a traditional approach with a single large incision or laparoscopic, 多个小切口的机器人辅助技术.


Our world-renowned 妇科肿瘤 team is focused on discovering leading-edge ways to diagnose and treat gynecologic cancers. Throughout your cancer journey, we ensure that you have access to innovative and supportive care.

Contact us

Call 310-794-7274 to request an appointment with a women’s cancer specialist or gynecologic oncologist at UCLA Health.


我们的妇科癌症专家为您提供最好的护理. 欲了解更多信息,请与癌症护理专家联系 310-794-7274.