Head and 颈部癌症

我们是全国最活跃的头颈癌治疗中心之一. Our world-renowned specialists conduct 50,000 patient visits each year, giving us a remarkable depth of expertise.

Surgeons operating on a patient, surgery

Why choose UCLA Health for head and neck cancer care?

有50多个,000 patient visits each year, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康头颈癌项目是全国最有经验的头颈癌中心之一. Our specialists provide comprehensive, individualized care in a supportive, compassionate environment. 我们提供:

Expertise in head and neck cancers: Our highly accomplished experts specialize in diagnosing, staging and treating all types of head and neck cancers, both common and rare.

Compassionate, collaborative care: We partner with you to make care decisions. We give you all the information you need to weigh your care options.

Access to innovative research: Because we are an academic medical center, 我们的病人可以参加最新的临床试验的新疗法.

Convenient locations: 你会在大洛杉矶地区的多个地点找到头颈部癌症服务. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的皇冠hga020电脑版癌症护理中心,您可以在家附近获得最高质量的护理.


From a head and neck cancer diagnosis to post-cancer care, UCLA Health’s Head and 颈部癌症 Program offers comprehensive services, 如:

Head and neck cancer diagnosis

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医学中心是世界上技术最先进的20家医院之一, with access to state-of-the-art technology for cancer diagnostics. Depending on your symptoms, 我们的专家可能会要求进行以下一项或多项诊断或成像测试: 

Advanced molecular markers: 诊断测试可以给医生提供关于癌症诊断和治疗的重要信息. 例如, 喉癌的HPV/p16唾液测试可以帮助预测患者对某些治疗的反应 .

CT扫描: 一种使用计算机化x射线拍摄受影响区域照片的测试. CT scans create detailed images that are useful in diagnosing cancer.

3.0 Tesla (3T) MRI: The fastest MRI technology available. 3T MRI provides better imaging than traditional MRI, and the machine’s larger opening is more comfortable for patients.

Positron emission tomography (PET) scan: 一种核医学扫描,使用对比染料来帮助检测癌症并了解肿瘤的行为.

Distal-chip endoscopy: 这是一种测试,医生可以用一根细管看到身体内部,管子末端有一个发光的微型摄像头. 该范围使用数字芯片代替光纤(光)来传输头部和颈部结构和肿瘤的图像. 这种数字芯片可以产生更高质量的图像,帮助诊断和分期癌症.

Fine needle aspiration biopsy: 用CT、MRI或超声成像引导的细针进行的检查. This technique is less invasive than a typical biopsy.  


头颈癌可引起继发性问题,如吞咽困难. At UCLA Health, we support you every step of the way by offering:

Swallow preservation program: 一项独特的服务,帮助放射治疗患者尽可能保持吞咽功能.

Head and neck cancer survivorship program: 一个针对癌症幸存者的综合性后续项目,旨在帮助患者过上充实的生活.

Mind and body healing program: 一个提供包括正念在内的定制综合医疗的项目, 引导图像, meditation and medical hypnosis.

Head and neck cancers we treat

At UCLA Health, we treat all types of head and neck cancers, including:

咽喉癌症: Cancer that occurs anywhere in the throat, 如:

  • Hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancer: A rare tumor that grows in or beside the voice box (larynx).
  • Nasopharyngeal cancer: A rare cancer that starts in the throat behind the nose.
  • Oropharyngeal and oral cancer: 一种从口腔开始并可扩展到扁桃体和喉咙中部的癌症.

Paranasal sinus and nasal cancer: A type of cancer that grows in the openings around, in or near the nose.

Salivary gland cancer: 一种发生在唾液腺所在的舌头和颚骨下的癌症.

甲状腺癌: A highly treatable cancer that begins in the thyroid, a hormone-producing gland located at the bottom of the neck.

治疗s we offer


Radiation therapy for head and neck cancer

我们经验丰富的放射肿瘤学家使用最新的精确放射治疗技术来帮助保护健康组织并减少副作用. These technologies include:

3D conformal therapy: 一种将辐射与肿瘤形状相匹配的技术,可以更精确地靶向癌症,同时不影响周围组织.

Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT): 一种精确针对癌变肿瘤和组织的外部光束辐射技术.

Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT): 一种使用几束高剂量辐射从不同角度更精确地瞄准肿瘤的治疗方法.

Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT): 一种利用成像技术更精确地定位肿瘤的放射疗法.

High-dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy: 在肿瘤内或肿瘤附近放置高剂量放射性颗粒(称为种子)的过程.

Head and neck cancer surgery


Minimally invasive surgery: A surgical technique that uses small incisions, causing less pain and scarring than traditional surgery. 患者需要更少的住院恢复时间和更少的术后并发症. Minimally invasive surgical options available at UCLA Health include:

  • Transoral robotic surgery (TORS): 一种用于去除口腔、喉咙(咽)和喉部(喉)癌症的技术。 .
  • Transoral laser microsurgery (TLM): 一种利用激光从健康组织中分离和移除癌细胞的技术.

Microvascular and reconstructive surgery: 手术以恢复面部外观和保留语言、吞咽和咀嚼功能. 外科医生将身体另一部分的组织移植到头部和颈部的患处. This type of procedure is called a graft. Reconstructive procedures we offer include:

  • Jawbone reconstruction: 头颈癌手术后面部结构及口腔功能恢复手术. 外科医生使用骨移植和牙齿植入来重建颌骨,这样病人就可以再次咀嚼了.
  • Tongue reconstruction: 在癌症手术中失去部分或全部舌头的人的外科手术. Using skin or tissue taken from another area of the body, known as free flaps, 我们的外科医生可以重建部分舌头来部分恢复吞咽和语言能力.
  • Facial reanimation reconstructive surgery: 恢复涎腺肿瘤患者面部肌肉运动的外科手术, 脸颊或耳朵. By transferring muscle and grafting nerves onto the affected area, our surgeons can help patients recover facial movement.


我们的头颈癌专家外科医生与其他专业的医生一起提供个性化的治疗, 护理质量. 


呼叫 310-267-7076 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的头颈癌专家.


Our Head and 颈部癌症 Program helps you start on the road to recovery. For more information, connect with a cancer care specialist at 310-774-6275​​​​​​​.