Liver Cancer

我们的专家在有效的肝癌治疗方面处于最前沿. 我们开创创新疗法,为您带来最先进的护理,甚至提供肝癌支持服务.

Liver illustration

Why choose UCLA Health for liver cancer care?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康胃肠肿瘤学项目通过 UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (JCCC). JCCC拥有500多名科学家和医生,他们进行癌症研究并提供最先进的癌症治疗.

我们的肝癌专家团队共同努力,为您确定最佳治疗方案. UCLA Health patients receive:

获得下一代肝癌治疗和疗法: A world leader in gastrointestinal clinical research, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心为患者提供临床试验和最新的实验疗法.

Comprehensive, team-based approach: At UCLA Health, our liver cancer experts including hepatologists, gastroenterologists and oncologists review, plan and manage your care.

Convenient, community-based care: Once a liver cancer care plan is put in place, 患者可以在洛杉矶地区的皇冠hga020电脑版癌症诊所接受持续治疗.

Our services

从您的肝癌诊断到治疗,我们都会关心您. Our comprehensive liver cancer services include:


为了获得准确的肝癌诊断,您的护理团队可能会要求进行以下一项或多项检查, depending on your symptoms:

Blood tests: A group of lab tests that check your liver function.

Advanced imaging: 提供肝脏和周围器官的清晰图像. 你的专家可能会要求你做超声波、CT扫描或核磁共振扫描.

Angiography: 一种成像测试,使用一种特殊的染料来观察肝脏中的血管. x射线捕捉血管图像,显示肿瘤的位置和大小. 医生利用这些信息来确定癌症的分期.

Liver biopsy肿瘤组织样本,用于检查损伤或疾病的迹象,包括癌症.  

Cancer genetics

我们的遗传咨询师和肿瘤学家共同确定肝癌的病因,并评估您未来患病的风险. 利用这些信息,我们可以帮助您做出有关健康的重要决定. Learn more about the cancer genetics program at UCLA Health. 

Cancer support

当你或你所爱的人患有癌症时,找到一个可以依靠的支持团体会有所帮助. The Simms/Mann- UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology offers numerous resources such as counseling, spiritual support and workshops in meditation, nutrition and more.

Liver cancers we treat

Primary liver cancer begins in the liver, 消化器官负责消化和清除体内毒素的器官. We treat all types of liver cancer, including:

Angiosarcoma: A rare cancer that begins in the liver's blood vessels.

Cholangiocarcinoma: 一种生长缓慢的癌症,起源于肝内膜或胆管.

Hepatoblastoma: A rare infant and childhood cancer. 它通常发生在五岁以下的儿童身上,并可能导致年龄较大的儿童过早进入青春期.

Hepatocellular carcinoma (hepatoma): The most common form of liver cancer. 肝细胞癌可由肝脏的肝硬化或瘢痕形成引起.

Metastatic liver cancer: 一种起源于身体其他部位并扩散到肝脏的癌症.

Treatments we offer

我们的专家团队提供最先进的肝癌治疗、影像和手术. Liver cancer treatments may include:

Nonsurgical liver cancer treatments

Sometimes liver cancer can't be treated with surgery. 在这些情况下,我们的专家可能会使用一种或多种非手术治疗:

Chemotherapy: 一种使用强效药物杀死肝癌细胞的治疗方法. 化疗也可以在手术前缩小肿瘤或在手术后杀死残留的癌细胞.

Radiation therapy: 利用高能光束精确地瞄准并杀死癌变组织.

Targeted therapy: 药物可以在不伤害健康细胞的情况下阻止癌变的肝细胞生长.

Embolization: 一种阻断肿瘤血液供应以阻止肿瘤生长的手术. 化疗药物或放射性粒子直接注射到肝脏的动脉中. 

Ablation therapy: 一种利用热量摧毁肝脏肿瘤的微创手术.

Clinical trials: 研究寻找有希望的肝癌治疗方法.

Liver cancer surgery

手术是某些类型肝癌的一线治疗方法. Procedures include:

Hepatectomy: A procedure to remove part or all of the liver.

Liver transplantation: 切除受损肝脏并移植健康供体肝脏的手术.

Meet our team

我们的肝癌专家团队包括胃肠病学家, hepatologists, interventional radiologists and oncologists. 我们合作制定适合您的肝癌治疗方案.

Surgical Oncology

GI Nutrition

Gastroenterology Nutrition, Gastroenterology

Contact us

Call 888-662-8252 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的肝癌专家.

Find your care

我们的专家为您量身定制治疗方案,让您专注于康复. 欲了解更多信息,请与癌症护理专家联系 888-662-8252.