
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pain medicine experts treat all types of acute and chronic pain. 我们在这里帮助你找到疼痛的原因并得到缓解,这样你就可以回到你喜欢的活动中去.


Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for pain management?

At the UCLA Comprehensive Pain Centers, 我们在充满关爱的环境中提供世界级的疼痛诊断和治疗. 我们的团队受过专门训练,可以治疗受伤、疾病和引起疼痛的复杂情况.


董事会认证的专家团队: 作为皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校卫生皇冠hga025麻醉学和围手术期医学的一部分, all our doctors are board certified in anesthesiology and pain medicine. 我们是疼痛管理的领导者, uniquely qualified to deliver a precise diagnosis and innovative treatments.

Comprehensive diagnostics and tailored treatment plans: We offer a full array of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. 我们的团队使用最新的疼痛药物来确定疼痛的原因和最好的治疗方法. You receive a full evaluation and thorough care plan. We work with you to adjust 药物 and therapies if your needs change. 我们的目标是提供准确的诊断和最安全、最有效的治疗.

全人护理: 我们的疼痛管理专家明白,身体不适会对你的心理健康和幸福产生重大影响. That’s why our approach to pain may include lifestyle changes, 药物, therapy and pain management procedures. 我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的专家合作,确保你得到所需的情感支持,让你整体感觉更好.


Our board-certified physicians help people with all types of pain. The first step in pain management is to determine what’s causing it. Our doctors diagnose the cause of pain, 制定最有效的治疗方法,如果你的需求发生变化,可以调整计划.



急性疼痛是由特定事故或疾病引起的剧烈或突然的疼痛. 当你痊愈或医生治疗引起它的伤害或疾病时,它通常会好转.

我们的专家与您的初级保健医生和其他专家协调您的疼痛治疗计划. 我们确保您得到有效的疼痛管理的根本原因的疼痛.


Chronic pain lasts six months or more. It can result from many medical conditions and injuries. Chronic pain can linger from an untreated 疾病 or injury, or it can go away and come back after treatment.

Our experts help people with even the most complex chronic pain. We specialize in relieving pain that hasn’t responded to previous treatments.


We understand that pain can have a significant effect on sleep, 心理健康, 心情和生活质量. 这就是为什么我们的服务延伸到身体和情感方面的痛苦. 我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的专家进行协调,以确保您获得所需的情感支持和护理,使您的身心感觉更好.



Our pain medicine experts help you find relief from acute and chronic pain. 他们解决了来自多种来源的疼痛,或者以前的治疗没有反应. We lead the nation in effective pain management and treatments for:


背部和颈部疼痛是人们去看疼痛医学专家的最常见原因之一. We know that back pain can be extremely debilitating. It can have a serious impact on your quality of life, 造成行动不便,使你不能做喜欢的活动. 颈部和背部疼痛可由受伤、状况和疾病引起,包括:

  • 椎间盘突出
  • 骨折
  • 骨质疏松症
  • Sciatica (nerve pain that can extend down the legs)
  • 脊柱侧弯(脊柱弯曲)
  • Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal column)
  • 脊柱肿瘤和沿脊柱发展的生长(包括癌性和良性)


Pain can result from the cancer itself, or it can be a side effect of procedures and surgeries to treat cancer. 癌症疼痛 can range from mild to severe and appear anywhere in the body.


A wide range of injuries and conditions can lead to joint pain in the spine, 臀部, 膝盖, 脚踝, 肩膀和手指. 我们的专家会帮助你减轻疼痛,增加灵活性和运动能力. We have experience treating pain from:

  • Arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Avascular necrosis, a lack of blood supply that causes the bones to die
  • Bursitis, an inflammation in fluid-filled sacs in joints
  • 关节损伤


Most of the time, pain after surgery gets better within a few weeks. But sometimes, pain can persist after surgery. 我们的内科专家会找出持续疼痛的原因,并制定全面的治疗方案. We can help with chronic pain management after surgeries such as:

  • 截肢
  • Abdomen surgery, such as surgery to repair a hernia
  • Joint replacement surgery, including knee and hip replacement
  • Spine surgery, such as laminectomy, a procedure to remove part of a vertebra
  • 修复骨折的外科手术


Pain that originates in the nervous system can be complex and debilitating. Nerve-related pain results from damage to the nerves. 一些药物和疾病,如糖尿病,会导致这种损伤. Our team is specially trained to treat nerve pain, including:

  • Brachial plexus injury, which causes nerve damage in the arm and hand
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), 疼痛:引起疼痛的状况, 炎症和皮肤变化, 通常是四肢
  • Diabetic neuropathy, a type of nerve pain that results from diabetes
  • Peripheral neuropathy, which causes numbness in the hands and feet
  • 枕神经痛是一种神经损伤,可引起头痛
  • 带状疱疹, 一种神经疼痛,当感染消失几十年后水痘病毒再次激活时发生
  • Trigeminal neuralgia, which is nerve damage that causes severe facial pain


我们的团队以同情心、专业知识和成熟的治疗方法来治疗慢性疼痛. We understand the impact chronic pain can have on your quality of life. It can affect sleep, work, relations臀部 and more. We work with you to discover the treatments that make a difference. 我们的专家帮助人们:

  • 全身肌筋膜疼痛
  • Fibromyalgia, which involves widespread muscle pain
  • 偏头痛
  • 脑瘫(CP)引起的痉挛(过度活跃的肌肉收缩), 多发性硬化(MS)或中风


我们的高技能专家帮助您找到疼痛缓解使用组合治疗. 我们提供:


通过药物、物理治疗和休息等保守治疗,疼痛通常会好转. 只要有可能,我们就开非阿片类药物来减少依赖的风险. 如果你的疼痛对非侵入性治疗没有反应,我们可能会推荐其他选择.


我们的委员会认证麻醉师擅长多种类型的注射. 这些手术可以缓解疼痛,减少炎症,阻断过度活跃的神经信号. They work on the spine, inside the joints and on nerves all over the body. 注射还可以帮助医生通过确定疼痛的确切来源来诊断疼痛. These treatments are extremely effective and safe. 我们的医生提供:

  • 神经: 我们直接在疼痛的源头注射麻醉药或消炎药. These procedures include epidural injections to relieve neck and back pain.
  • 同情: These injections relieve pain from chronic pain syndromes. 这种药物针对的是控制血液流动和消化等非自愿功能的神经系统部分. 我们的专家使用x光或超声波对疼痛的精确位置进行治疗.
  • 联合注射: 我们使用皮质类固醇药物来减轻全身关节的疼痛.
  • 触发点注射: Trigger points are muscle knots that develop when the muscles can’t relax. 这些注射可缓解纤维肌痛和肌筋膜疼痛引起的肌肉和组织不适.
  • 肉毒杆菌注射®: 这些药物通过阻断导致肌肉收缩的神经信号来减轻偏头痛和肌肉痉挛带来的疼痛.


Kyphoplasty is a procedure to treat compression fractures in the spine. Using a hollow needle, we inject a type of cement into damaged vertebra. This procedure stabilizes the fractured bone and relieves pain.


射频消融术, 也叫神经切断术或神经根切断术, targets specific nerves without damaging other tissues. 我们使用无线电波和安全剂量的电流来破坏引起疼痛的神经.


Our experts may recommend an implantable pump to treat severe back pain, 腹痛和肌肉痉挛. We insert a pump, which is about the size of a hockey puck, during surgery. 泵慢慢地将稳定剂量的止痛药释放到脊髓周围充满液体的区域, providing consistent relief from pain.


这项技术可以帮助患有慢性背痛或手臂或腿部疼痛的人. 我们在皮肤下插入一个脉冲发生器它向脊柱输送低压电流. The current blocks the feeling of pain. You adjust the current depending on your level of pain.


Our physicians are board certified in anesthesiology and pain medicine. 我们汇集了多年的经验和专业知识来治疗由各种类型的伤害引起的疼痛, 疾病, 疾病和医疗状况.


我们的专家团队为所有类型的疼痛提供定制的计划和有效的治疗. 呼叫 310-794-1841 to connect with a pain management specialist.


Our specially trained physicians offer customized care plans, effective treatments and pain management for all types of pain. 呼叫 310-794-1841 to connect with a doctor who specializes in pain medicine.