
我们专门治疗患有乳糜泻的成人和青少年. Our expert team of gastroenterologists and GI dietitians diagnose and manage all gluten-associated disorders with customized nutrition plans, 教育, 支持和药物治疗.



Our experienced team specializes in caring for adults and adolescents with celiac disease and other gluten-associated disorders. Our leading celiac disease experts provide accurate diagnoses and medical management including individualized nutrition and wellness plans.


专业的专家团队: 你会得到一组乳糜泻专家的协调治疗. 我们的胃肠病学家筛查和诊断疾病. 然后,我们在必要时与其他子专业的专家密切合作, 包括皮肤病, 内分泌学, 风湿病和神经病学, 提供综合治疗. Our primary goal is to help you control celiac disease while preventing complications.

定制营养计划: Expert GI dietitians work with you to tailor your gluten-free diet to optimize your nutrition. We have extensive experience helping people with celiac disease and other gluten-associated disorders. 经过彻底的饮食咨询, we create individualized nutrition plans to optimize your health and quality of life.

致力于研究: We are passionate about improving the quality of life of people with celiac disease and other gluten-associated disorders. 我们的专家建立了 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校乳糜泻集体, an online registry that helps us better understand the natural history of your condition. 使用来自保密调查的信息, 这个数据库帮助我们推进乳糜泻的研究和加强治疗.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的乳糜泻健康项目, we provide the full range of care for people with celiac disease and other gluten-associated disorders. You benefit from comprehensive evaluations and treatment plans developed just for you. 我们的专长是:


我们在乳糜泻诊断方面处于全国领先地位. We work with experts from 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 GI pathology and laboratory medicine to deliver an accurate diagnosis. 在检查您的症状和病史后,我们可能会建议:

血液测试: 这些测试筛选与乳糜泻相关的特定抗体.

基因检测: 这些测试寻找使你患乳糜泻风险更高的标志物.

内镜下小肠活检: 寻找乳糜泻的典型炎症, we may recommend a 胶囊内窥镜 (you swallow a pill-like device with a tiny camera that takes pictures of your GI tract). Or we may use 小肠镜深, which uses a long, flexible tube with a camera and small tools.

Our experts are highly skilled at distinguishing between gluten-associated disorders that may be causing your symptoms. These include celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, fructan intolerance and wheat allergy. 这些疾病的治疗方法各不相同,因此准确的诊断至关重要.


Specialized GI dietitians play an integral role in helping you manage celiac disease and other gluten-associated disorders. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的乳糜泻健康项目, our GI dietitians specialize in gluten-free diets to optimize your nutrition and reduce or eliminate symptoms. We educate and empower you to take control of dietary changes and adopt new habits that fit into your life.


  • Reading labels and detecting “hidden” gluten that may be called something other than gluten
  • 发现ing tasty gluten-free recipes and adjusting other recipes to remove gluten
  • 从餐厅菜单上订购无麸质食物

Our GI dietitians also incorporate dietary needs for other co-occurring conditions. We play an essential role in managing ongoing symptoms that commonly occur with gluten-associated disorders that are not directly linked to gluten intake. 例子包括乳糖和果糖不耐症, 肠脑相互作用紊乱和额外的食物不耐受.


People with celiac disease are more likely to have other gastrointestinal issues. 包括小肠细菌过度生长(SIBO), 特异性糖吸收不良和显微镜下结肠炎.

Our experts also work closely with specialists across 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 to address conditions that are associated with celiac disease including dermatitis herpetiformis, 桥本氏甲状腺炎, 甲状腺机能亢进, 谷蛋白神经病变, 麸质共济失调等等. You have access to top specialists in dermatology, 内分泌学, neurology and rheumatology.


Our specialists are uniquely qualified to treat the full range of gluten-associated conditions. 我们提供全面的治疗:


乳糜泻是最常见的自身免疫性疾病之一. It is a chronic digestive disorder that causes inflammation in the small intestine. This inflammation happens after eating gluten (protein fragments of wheat, rye and barley). 麸质会导致乳糜泻患者产生异常的免疫反应. 这种疾病往往会在家族中遗传,这意味着它可能会遗传.


  • 腹部肿胀
  • 便秘
  • 腹泻
  • 乏力
  • 不孕不育
  • 缺铁性贫血
  • 营养不良
  • 神经系统的改变,比如神经病变、偏头痛和情绪障碍
  • 骨质疏松症
  • 减肥 


Unlike celiac disease, NCGS is not an autoimmune disorder and is not inherited. 吃了谷蛋白之后, NCGS患者的症状与乳糜泻相似, 但这种疾病不会损害肠道.


  • 腹痛或痉挛
  • 腹泻和便秘
  • 气胀
  • 精力不足
  • 精神疲劳(“脑雾”)


Wheat allergy and other food allergies result from an abnormal immune response to a specific food. The immune response can cause a rash and hives, breathing problems, 呕吐 and diarrhea. We work closely with our colleagues in allergy-immunology to treat these issues.


我们有治疗复杂和罕见消化系统疾病的经验. 我们的专家采用先进的成像技术, 胶囊内窥镜, 小肠镜深, 以及其他用于诊断和治疗的评估:

自身免疫性肠下垂, a rare disorder that causes excessive diarrhea and leads to severe malabsorption. With special antibody testing and endoscopy evaluation, we diagnose and manage your condition.

CVID-enteropathy, damage and irritation in the intestines that is associated with common variable immune deficiency (CVID), 一种增加感染风险的疾病.

嗜酸性GI疾病(EGID或既往嗜酸性胃肠炎); a rare spectrum of diseases that can affect the esophagus (eosinophilic esophagitis), 胃(嗜酸性胃炎), 小肠和/或结肠(嗜酸性肠炎和/或结肠炎).  取决于疾病的部位, 症状可能包括吞咽困难, 胃灼热, 恶心想吐, 呕吐, 腹泻和腹痛. 治疗通常包括新的药物和/或消除饮食.

胃肠道的条件, 包括胃食管反流病(胃酸反流或GERD)和IBD.

微观结肠炎, 一种导致水样腹泻的炎性肠病(IBD). This condition includes two sub-types: lymphocytic colitis and collagenous colitis. 不像溃疡性结肠炎或克罗恩结肠炎, the inflammation in the colon can mostly be seen only with a microscope and therefore requires biopsies during a colonoscopy.

肥大细胞活化综合征(MCAS); 引起反复出现的过敏症状和腹泻的疾病.


谷蛋白相关疾病的治疗始于无谷蛋白饮食. Our specialized GI dietitians work closely with you to create gluten-free nutrition plans. 我们还帮助您改变健康的生活方式,优化营养. We accompany you as you adjust to new habits that greatly improve your quality of life. 如果需要, 我们使用药物治疗无反应性乳糜泻, 难治性乳糜泻和并发疾病.


Our team includes expert gastroenterologists and specialized GI dietitians with extensive experience in celiac disease, 非乳糜泻麸质敏感和小麦过敏. 我们与皮肤科专家合作, 提供内分泌科和神经内科的综合护理.


Our gastroenterologists and GI dietitians deliver customized care for celiac disease and other gluten-associated disorders. 呼叫 310-825-2631 与专家联系.


Our gastroenterologists and GI dietitians deliver customized care for celiac disease and other gluten-associated disorders. 呼叫 310-825-2631 与专家联系.