Preventative Cardiology & Cardiometabolic Health

Supporting your cardiometabolic health helps you strengthen and maintain a healthy heart.



预防心脏病首先要解决心脏代谢健康风险因素, 比如高血压和胆固醇. The UCLA Health Preventive Cardiology and Cardiometabolic Health Program provides personalized, comprehensive care to people who want to decrease their risk of developing or worsening cardiovascular disease. 当你选择我们的课程时,你可以期待:

Award-winning excellence皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心在心脏病学和心脏外科方面被评为“西部最佳” U.S. News & World Report. 我们的很多医生都是 Los Angeles Magazine's皇冠hga025的“顶级医生”和“超级医生”.

Highly skilled specialists: Our board-certified doctors have extensive training and experience in preventive cardiology and cardiometabolic health. 他们在全国范围内都是各自领域的领军人物.

Coordinated care我们的专家团队合作,提供无缝、完整的护理. 我们的团队包括预防心脏病学的专家, genetics, gastroenterology, endocrinology and pharmacotherapy. 我们还与心理健康、营养和运动专家密切合作. 

Advancing care through research: UCLA Health physician-scientists are among the nation's leaders in discovering new ways to treat cardiometabolic conditions. The Conner Dunn Endowment in Cardiometabolic Health enables our team to galvanize research, education and clinical efforts in cardiometabolic health and cardiovascular disease prevention.


How your body changes food into fuel (your metabolism) directly impacts how well your cardiovascular system works. 心脏代谢健康是由几个因素来衡量的,包括:

  • Blood pressure
  • Blood sugar
  • 高密度脂蛋白(HDL)胆固醇
  • Triglycerides
  • Weight and waist circumference

We help people who want to understand their cardiometabolic health and risk of a future cardiovascular problem. 来参加我们项目的人通常有:

  • 有心血管病史,希望预防复发
  • 有心脏病或高胆固醇家族史
  • 心脏代谢风险因素(高血糖), triglycerides, 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇和血压以及腰部多余的脂肪)
  • No heart disease history or cardiometabolic risk factors and want to maintain their heart health

Conditions we treat

We care for people who want to prevent or treat all types of cardiovascular disease, including:

  • Atherosclerosis: Plaque builds up in the vessels that transport oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to the body. The hardened, 狭窄的动脉减慢或阻塞血液流动, 导致各种心血管疾病.
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD): 冠状动脉阻塞会减少流向心脏的血液. A lack of oxygen to the heart muscle can cause chest pain, shortness of breath or a heart attack.
  • 心脏病发作(心肌梗塞)心脏供血减少或停止导致心肌死亡.
  • Heart failure你的心脏太弱或僵硬,不能泵出足够的血液来满足身体的需要.
  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD): Atherosclerosis in the arms and legs can cause pain during movement (claudication), numbness, 四肢发软发冷.
  • Stroke脑供血不足会使脑组织失去氧气和营养, causing brain cells to die.

We aim to reduce your chance of developing or worsening heart disease by helping you control its risk factors. Cardiometabolic conditions contributing to heart and vascular disease often occur at the same time and include:

  • 高血压(高血压)当前位置血液对动脉壁的作用力过大. 随着时间的推移,这种压力会损害心脏和血管.
  • 高胆固醇或甘油三酯水平胆固醇和甘油三酯是血液中的蜡状物质. 过量会导致动脉粥样硬化. High cholesterol can be inherited (run in families) or result from lifestyle habits.
  • Inflammation某些情况会导致身体释放炎症细胞. 慢性炎症可导致冠状动脉疾病. 影响心脏病的炎症可以由肥胖引起, 压力或自身免疫性疾病,如狼疮和风湿性关节炎.
  • Overweight and obesity: Excessive body fat accumulation, especially around the waist, can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.
  • Prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes你的身体不能产生足够的胰岛素,或者不能有效地利用它. 胰岛素是一种将血糖输送到细胞中作为燃料的激素. 缺乏胰岛素会导致高血糖水平. 
  • Steatotic (fatty) liver disease: A buildup of fat in the liver not caused by alcohol is closely linked to and can worsen cardiometabolic conditions, including diabetes and obesity.

Tests and treatments we offer

在你第一次来我们节目的时候, 你与我们的一位医生会面,讨论你和你家人的病史. 我们会讨论影响心脏和血管的生活习惯, including diet, exercise habits, stress and smoking. 我们还会完成全面的体检.

你的医生可能会要求你做心脏代谢健康测试. Our specialized team determines your heart disease risk and works with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. Tests and treatments include:

Imaging tests


  • Cardiac CT scan这种扫描结合了x射线和计算机来产生详细的图像.
  • Cardiac MRI: This test uses radio waves, high-powered magnets and a computer to create detailed images.
  • Carotid ultrasound: Ultrasound waves allow your doctor to see how well blood flows through your carotid arteries. These vessels on either side of your neck deliver blood from your heart to your brain.
  • Coronary calcium imaging这种特殊的x光检查可以检测动脉中的钙. 钙积聚是动脉粥样硬化的征兆.
  • Echocardiogram: This ultrasound test lets your doctor see your heart in motion and how well it’s working. 
  • Nuclear cardiac imaging我们向你的静脉注射少量安全的放射性物质(示踪剂). 当示踪剂流过你的心脏和血管时,成像仪会跟着它, 显示出血流问题或心脏损伤.

Other tests


  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG): Electrodes connected to your chest, arms and legs record your heart’s electrical activity. 这个测试评估你心跳的强度、速度和节奏.
  • Lab tests: 我们在实验室分析血液或尿液样本,以了解有价值的心脏健康见解. 
  • Stress test: A cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET or CPEX) is a specialized type pf stress test that measures your excercise ability. Monitoring your heart’s activity during physical stress can help your doctor identify problems. We place electrodes on your chest, 在手臂上戴一个血压袖带,在手指或其他地方戴一个脉搏监测器. You exercise on a treadmill or stationary bicycle while we monitor your vital signs and evaluate your cardiorespiratory fitness level. If you can’t exercise, we give you medication to make your heart beat faster like you’re exercising.
  • 动态血压监测: We measure your blood pressure on a continuous basis for 24 hours, even as you sleep. The ongoing data helps your healthcare provider get a more accurate picture of your blood pressure numbers. 结果可明确高血压的诊断和指导治疗.
  • Genetic tests: Some conditions leading to heart disease, such as high cholesterol, can be inherited. A genetic counselor can evaluate your risk for developing or passing down a genetic condition.


Our specialists work with you to develop your individualized care plan for reducing your cardiovascular disease risk. 您的计划可能包括一种或多种治疗方法,例如:

  • Education我们为您提供可用于控制心脏健康的信息.
  • Exercise: Our exercise specialists work with you to develop a program to help you meet your fitness goals.
  • Medication某些药物可以帮助调节血压, 促进减肥,降低胆固醇和血糖.
  • Nutrition guidance: Our skilled nutritionists advise you on heart-healthy foods and help you create a healthy eating plan.
  • Cardiac rehabilitation: We offer an exercise-based, outpatient program designed to help improve your cardiovascular health. 我们的心脏康复团队包括运动生理学家, nurses, psychologists and nutritionists who work together to create personalized treatment plans. 
  • Surgical procedures: Minimally invasive and open-heart procedures can help unclog or bypass diseased blood vessels to improve blood flow. 减肥手术可以帮助你减肥.
  • Smoking cessation如果你吸烟,我们可以帮你联系专家,他们可以帮助你戒烟.
  • Stress management: Our mental health providers can help you identify and effectively manage stress triggers.

Our expert team

Our preventive cardiologists are at the forefront of research and innovations to stop heart disease. They work with leading cardiometabolic health specialists to help you improve and maintain your cardiovascular health.

Program Director

Cardiovascular Prevention

Women's Cardiovascular Disease, Cardiology
Women's Cardiovascular Disease, Cardiology

Fatty Liver & Fibrosis

Contact us

Call 310-825-9011 to request an appointment with a preventive cardiology specialist at UCLA Health, or 310-825-2448 预约我们的心湿科医生.

Find your care

To learn more about the Preventive Cardiology and Cardiometabolic Health Program, call 310-825-9011.