
We are currently offering monkeypox vaccines to eligible patients, as well as monkeypox testing and treatment.



猴痘是一种罕见的病毒性疾病. It’s caused by the monkeypox virus, a cousin of the smallpox virus.

8月11日,一场人际传播的疫情被列为国家卫生紧急情况. 4, 2022. 世界卫生组织于2022年7月宣布猴痘传播为全球卫生紧急情况.

注意: 11月. 28, 2022, 世界卫生组织宣布将开始从“猴痘”一词过渡,到“mpox”,将这种疾病称为“猴痘”,在它完全消失的一年内." WHO is responsible for assigning names to new diseases.


截至2022年11月, 有超过2个,000 confirmed cases of monkeypox (mpox) in Los Angeles County and more than 29,在美国有000个病例.



2022年猴痘的爆发似乎是通过与病毒携带者密切接触而传播的. 这可能意味着:

  • 肌肤接触,包括(但不限于)性交和其他亲密接触
  • 接触体液、猴痘疮或共用物品,如衣服或床上用品
  • Prolonged face-to-face interaction with someone who has the virus

Although monkeypox (mpox) can spread through respiratory droplets, 这些飞沫通常不会传播超过几英尺,需要长时间的面对面接触. 通过短暂接触传播,例如走过感染者,尚未报告.


Although monkeypox is a cousin of smallpox, the disease it causes isn’t as severe. 大多数感染猴痘病毒的人会出现轻微的流感样症状,例如:

  • 身体疼痛
  • 发冷
  • 乏力
  • 发热
  • 头痛
  • 淋巴结肿大

Most patients with monkeypox (mpox) first develop fever, 有或没有寒气, 乏力, 身体疼痛,淋巴结肿大,然后出现明显的皮疹和溃疡(病变)。. 这些最初看起来可能像皮肤上的丘疹或斑点,然后可能改变外观. Usually these symptoms affect your hands, face, and the soles of your feet. Because many of the current cases have been spread through sexual contact, patients can have monkeypox (mpox) lesions on their genitals or anal area, 或者在嘴里.

Patients usually develop mpox symptoms within five to 21 days of exposure. The infection usually lasts between two and four weeks. Most people who get monkeypox don’t require hospitalization and recover at home.

Who is eligible for the monkeypox (mpox) vaccine?

经FDA批准的猴痘疫苗目前供应有限. 洛杉矶公共卫生部正在优先为尽可能多的符合条件的人接种第一剂疫苗. When supply expands, they will start offering second doses.


  • Have had gonorrhea, chlamydia or early syphilis in the past 12 months
  • Are on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • 在过去21天内曾到访或在浴场或色情商业场所工作
  • Have had multiple or anonymous sex partners in the last 14 days
  • Are not stably housed or have exchanged sex for money, goods or services

It’s also available by invitation only to people who:

  • 曾与猴痘患者有确认的中等或高风险接触
  • Have attended an event or venue where exposure risk was high

If you are eligible for the monkeypox vaccine, please 请浏览此网页 在线报名. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心只邀请那些符合一定资格标准的人接种有限剂量的疫苗. We hope to have more vaccines in the coming weeks.


The monkeypox (mpox) vaccine is given in two doses, four weeks apart. You are considered fully vaccinated about two weeks after the second shot. 即使你接触过猴痘, experts believe that vaccination can prevent or reduce severity of the disease. 目前, 可用性有限, health departments are prioritizing first vaccine doses, 第二剂可能会延迟.

Does the smallpox vaccine protect against monkeypox (mpox)?

研究人员认为,接种天花疫苗的成年人对mpox有一定的免疫力. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 过去的数据显示,天花疫苗在预防猴痘方面的有效性约为85%, 虽然这些数字是估计的. 大多数接种了天花疫苗(在美国是常规接种)的健康成年人都没有感染天花.S. until 1972) experience only mild symptoms of a monkeypox infection.

What if I think I’ve been exposed to monkeypox (mpox)? 我需要做检查吗?

如果你接触过猴痘或认为你可能患过m痘,请联系你的初级保健提供者. 您的医生可以评估您的症状或可能的接触,并获取样本进行检测.

如果你没有初级保健提供者, you can call the Los Angeles County help line by dialing 211. 你也可以参观洛杉矶县 公共卫生性健康诊所.

How can I protect myself from contracting monkeypox (mpox)?

The CDC has provided some general guidance on how to 保护自己免受猴痘 . 该指南包括:

  • 避免与长有类似猴痘疹的人密切接触
  • Do not touch the rash or scabs of a person with mpox.
  • Do not hug, kiss, cuddle or have sex with someone with mpox.
  • Avoid contact with objects and materials that a person with mpox has used.
  • Do not share eating utensils or cups with a person with mpox.
  • Do not handle or touch the bedding, towels or clothing of a person with mpox.
  • 经常用肥皂和水洗手,并使用含酒精的洗手液, especially before eating or touching your face and after you use the bathroom.

The CDC farther shared information on how to 当你身处可能传播猴痘的环境或场所时,要做出明智的选择. This document includes information on how you can 降低性生活风险(PDF)以及如何在聚会、俱乐部或节日中降低患猴痘的几率.

What are the treatments for monkeypox (mpox)?

大多数麻疹病例是轻微的. Rest and home remedies including sitz baths, 外用凡士林, 抗组胺药(苯海拉明)治疗瘙痒, 还有止痛药, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil), 也许你需要的只是恢复. 如果你符合条件, 即使在接触猴痘病毒后接种疫苗也可以预防或降低感染的严重程度.

Investigational treatments are available for certain types of patients, such as those who have very weak immune systems or those with severe symptoms, 比如无法控制的疼痛. 这些治疗方法并不容易获得,只能作为研究的一部分提供. 整个洛杉矶县都有指定的医院——包括皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心——有能力处理需要住院治疗的麻疹患者.

Your physician can offer you personalized guidance regarding mpox treatment, 包括根据您的资格向传染病专家推荐抗病毒药物治疗.

我怀孕了. Should I be worried about monkeypox (mpox)?

不幸的是,关于怀孕期间猴痘感染的数据有限. 目前尚不清楚孕妇是否更容易感染猴痘病毒,还是怀孕期间感染更严重. In historical studies describing smallpox infections in pregnant individuals, more severe infections were described during pregnancy.

Watch the below webinar to learn more about monkeypox and pregnancy: 

What should I do if I am exposed or infected while pregnant or breastfeeding?

评估疑似猴痘病毒感染患者的方法对孕妇和非孕妇是相同的. 如果患者出现可能提示猴痘病毒感染的体征和症状, 应该考虑测试, especially if the person has risk factors for monkeypox virus infection.

If a pregnant person has a significant exposure to a monkeypox infection, 建议在接触后4天内使用JYNNEOS疫苗进行预防,以减少感染的可能性, or between four and 14 days postexposure to reduce the severity of symptoms. While data are limited regarding the use of this vaccine in pregnancy, 动物研究没有显示出任何担忧,而且这种疫苗的形式与其他在怀孕期间安全使用的疫苗类似. 母胎医学协会建议,这种疫苗不应该对有风险的孕妇隐瞒, and that a discussion with the patient regarding risks and benefits of vaccine vs. 感染应该会发生. ACAM2000疫苗, 哪个使用live格式, 病毒繁殖, 孕期不宜使用.

如果母乳喂养的人患有m痘, 他们的提供者应该讨论在活动性感染期间继续母乳喂养的风险和益处. 因为猴痘病毒是通过密切接触传播的,新生儿猴痘感染可能很严重, delaying breastfeeding until all lesions have resolved, 结痂脱落了, and a fresh layer of intact skin has formed should be considered. 使用吸奶器将允许患者在母乳喂养暂停期间保持母乳供应.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康医生是医学领域的专家临床提供者、活跃的研究人员和领导者. Our infectious disease specialists assist many teams throughout 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, provide outpatient care and have global reach through our specialized programs.


呼叫 310-825-2631 找一个初级保健提供者.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 offers monkeypox vaccination, testing and treatment. Speak to your primary care if you need care, or call 310-825-2631 to find a doctor and schedule an appointment.