Pathology & 实验医学

UCLA pathologists assist with diagnoses and conduct research that helps expand treatment options.



The Department of Pathology and 实验医学 is an integral part of both the research and clinical programs at UCLA Health. 我们不仅协助诊断, 但我们也进行研究和临床试验,以扩大护理选择. 我们皇冠hga025的亮点包括:  

诊断专业知识: Each month, our team analyzes about 500,000 tissue samples, including about 10,000 biopsies. 我们的专家病理学家是指导诊断的重要组成部分, patient care and treatment decisions across multiple UCLA Health programs and departments.

临床研究: 我们皇冠hga025的一个重要方面是我们的研究工作. 我们对肿瘤的了解越来越多, 遗传学和你的基因构成如何影响你的治疗计划. Being active in research and finding new therapies translates directly to better patient care.  

教育承诺: At UCLA Health, we are dedicated to training the next generation of leaders. 因为我们训练其他人, we are continuously learning new techniques and staying on top of the latest advancements in our field. 在我们皇冠hga025, 我们为住院医师提供多种培训项目, fellows, 研究人员和相关卫生专业人员.

扩大获得保健的机会: The Center for Telepathology and Digital Pathology allows us to work from a distance. We use state-of-the-art technology to exchange laboratory images from around the world for diagnosis, 教育和研究. 这项服务扩大了病人的访问范围, allowing us to provide pathology consultations around the country and world.  


病理学家评估疾病的原因和特征. Often, they act as a bridge between scientific research and the care you receive in the clinic.

病理学家在实验室里分析组织或血液样本. The results of the tests a pathologist runs help health care providers make accurate diagnoses. 准确的诊断是制定有效治疗计划的第一步.


Throughout UCLA Health, pathologists are an integral part of diagnosing a range of conditions. 我们的服务包括:   


解剖病理学是一个广阔的领域. It includes multiple specialty areas for studying and treating diseases. 解剖病理学领域包括:    

细胞遗传学实验室: Cytogenetic testing is the process of evaluating small tissue samples to look for changes in chromosomes. 在我们的细胞遗传学实验室, 我们使用最先进的技术来帮助检测白血病, lymphoma, 实体瘤等等.

细胞病理学: Cytopathology is the branch of pathology where we evaluate cells in small tissue fragments. We often use cytopathology in gynecologic care or during fine needle aspirations (using a small needle to take a tissue or fluid sample).  

分子病理: We use molecular pathology to analyze molecules for the diagnosis of cancers, 遗传性疾病和许多其他疾病. Our Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory is one of the first facilities of its kind in the country. We pioneered many techniques for DNA-based testing, such as DNA fingerprint analysis.

神经病理学: 神经病理学是对脑组织的评估. It helps us diagnose brain and pituitary tumors, epilepsy, dementia and neuromuscular disorders. Our neuropathologists are experts in advanced diagnostic techniques as well as leaders in 教育和研究.  

眼科病理: Our ophthalmic pathology services are critical for diagnosing eye conditions. We analyze tissue samples of the eyes or eyelids and continually conduct research about eye diseases.

孤儿病检测: Orphan diseases are defined as conditions that affect fewer than 200,000 people in the United States. We perform this type of testing to confirm or rule out these rare diseases. 如果我们确定了孤儿病, genetic counselors and other specialists provide testing or counseling for patients and at-risk family members.

儿科病理: Pediatric pathologists are experts in evaluating the pathology of pediatric conditions. 我们也为子宫内发现的疾病提供咨询, 比如囊性纤维化或先天性心脏缺陷.   

We also offer autopsies to help understand immediate and underlying causes of death. We use multiple approaches to evaluate the whole body or only specific organs. 我们对不同疾病对身体的影响了解得越多, 我们就越能改善目前的治疗方案.


在临床基因组学中心, we provide comprehensive analyses of patients’ genomes (your unique set of genetic code). 而不是逐一分析基因, we use a technique that simultaneously looks for all the genes that could possibly cause a condition. Our team also includes genetic counselors who can help you understand your lab results and potential next steps after a diagnosis.


Immunogenetics is the study of how your immune system and genetics interact with each other. Through the 免疫遗传学中心, we provide testing for solid organ and stem cell transplants.

We have one of the first established laboratories of this kind in the country. Our pathologists are leaders in the field of immunogenetics and continue to advance in research, 教育和测试技术.


我们为门诊提供诊断检测服务, 以及在医院和医院门诊部. 检验医学的领域包括:

临床化学: 我们用临床化学来研究血液、DNA、组织和细胞. 这项研究帮助我们更多地了解疾病和健康. 我们的临床实验室是检测的重要资源, 诊断和指导多种疾病的治疗方案.  

临床微生物学: 我们提供检测, isolate and find out more about bacteria and other agents that cause infections. Our Clinical Microbiology Laboratory serves as a reference center for many testing surveys. We also have one of the longest-running Clinical Microbiology Postdoctoral Training Programs in the country.  

血液病理学: This area of pathology involves the study of disorders or diseases that affect your blood cells. 这些服务对于诊断白血病和 lymphoma骨髓疾病等等.   

输血医学和血库: 我们的病理学家对输血进行相容性测试, 以及帮助诊断影响血液的疾病. 帮助确保所有患者都能获得输血, 我们收集了大约30个,每年捐献的全血和血小板多达5000个. We also organize about 250 mobile blood drives throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area each year.   


In surgical pathology, the samples we analyze are a crucial part of a patient’s diagnosis. 手术中或手术后, the pathologist’s analysis advises your provider about the correct diagnosis, 治疗及展望.


我们的病理学家是研究和教育的领导者. We use advanced laboratory techniques to detect, diagnose and learn more about a range of diseases.  

Learn more

了解更多, ask your health care provider about the diagnostic and laboratory tests available at UCLA Health.


我们的病理团队包括临床护理和研究的领导者. 欲了解更多病理服务,请致电 800 -皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校md1 (800-825-2631).