儿科疼痛 & 姑息治疗

我们的姑息治疗团队专注于改善您孩子的健康,同时支持和指导您的家庭. We use a holistic approach to ease pain, discomfort and distress.

A beautiful little girl with cancer takes a break from treatment.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 approach to pediatric pain and palliative care

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们富有同情心的姑息治疗团队致力于缓解患有复杂疾病的儿童的疼痛, life-threatening conditions. 我们一起来改善您孩子的生活质量,同时为您的整个家庭提供鼓励和支持. When you come to us, you’ll find:

Holistic approach: 作为一个团队, we approach pain relief from all angles. We combine several therapies, 药物, 针灸, relaxation techniques, meditation and mindfulness to help your child feel better.

容易照顾:我们与您一起努力,使您的孩子尽可能轻松地获得所需的照顾和安慰. 有些孩子在出院后无法回到门诊诊所接受止痛和其他治疗. To continue caring for these children, 我们提供旨在减轻疼痛和解决症状的家访. 除了面对面的护理,我们的团队还提供远程医疗访问.

Comprehensive support我们理解许多患者和家属所面临的担忧、恐惧和情绪. 这就是为什么我们为患者提供全方位的支持和指导, parents and family members. You’ll have access to specialized 支持团体, education and resources designed to comfort you and help you cope. Our team is by your side throughout your journey.

Our areas of care

我们为病人和家属提供一系列全面的服务, including inpatient and outpatient care, pain relief and bereavement support. Our compassionate team works together to provide:

Outpatient pain relief and comfort care

我们经验丰富的团队提供门诊服务,以减轻婴儿的疼痛和症状, children and adolescents. While focusing on your child’s individual needs, we evaluate symptoms, 制定适当的护理计划,提供安抚和安慰的治疗.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 experts specialize in abdominal pain, 头疼, joint pain and limb pain, 以及其他与复杂和慢性疾病相关的症状. 我们的目标是尽可能减轻症状,改善功能,提高生活质量.

Inpatient pain and comfort care (palliative care) consultation

For children who are in the hospital, our team delivers palliative care to ease pain, 恶心想吐, anxiety and other distress. 我们与您和您的孩子一起推荐几种治疗方法——包括药物治疗和非药物治疗——来帮助您的孩子感觉更好.

我们专门为患有复杂和危及生命的疾病的儿童提供支持. You’ll have a team of Child Life Specialists as well as medical, behavioral and spiritual care specialists by your side.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院的舒适角为患者和家属提供了一个逃离繁忙的医院环境的地方. 在宁静的空间里,家人可以享受一杯热巧克力,放松的音乐和芳香疗法. Team members are available to listen and talk with parents.

Bereavement support

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们致力于帮助病人和他们的家人. This commitment does not end if a child passes away. 这就是为什么我们的团队开发了多种资源来支持失去亲人的家庭. 作为一个团队, 我们聚集在一起,帮助家庭克服悲痛,继续前进,同时缅怀他们的孩子. Our bereavement services include:

Comforting Hearts Family Bereavement Group (CHFBG): 安慰之心为父母和兄弟姐妹提供了一个安全的空间来应对孩子的死亡,并与他人分享他们的经历. 通过定期会议,我们帮助家庭找到力量,希望和愈合自己的步伐. 

Family memorial service: 这个一年一度的生命庆祝活动是为皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院经历了孩子去世的家庭举办的. 追悼会是家庭和工作人员聚集在一起纪念和纪念他们的孩子的一个机会. 它还包括兄弟姐妹和其他家庭成员的活动.

Bereavement resources: 我们的社工为每个家庭收集资源,指导他们,帮助他们应对. These include referrals for funeral homes, 停尸, 支持团体, 济贫院, financial assistance, specialized camps, sibling information and books to help with grief.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Childhood Pain 研究 Program

Physicians and psychologists at the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Childhood Pain 研究 Program work together to understand acute and chronic pain in children. Through extensive research, we aim to 阻止疼痛 in childhood from progressing to pain in adulthood. We study many factors, including:

  • How pain worsens or improves during puberty
  • Menstrual cramps (period pain) in girls
  • The relationship between gender and pain
  • Whether genetics, social factors and family life impacts pain

我们对肠易激综合征(IBS)等医疗状况特别感兴趣, 我们专门研究大脑和肠道之间的关系.

我们的项目还关注儿童癌症的长期幸存者,评估他们的身体和情感生活质量. 我们与这些幸存者一起开发干预措施和治疗方法,以减少长期疼痛和痛苦. 这些干预措施包括瑜伽、正念、舞蹈、艺术和音乐.

Our group also studies several types of therapy, 比如催眠疗法和认知行为疗法(CBT)来改变大脑对疼痛的反应. 这项研究使我们能够帮助我们的年轻病人现在找到解脱,并希望未来没有痛苦. We put our findings into practice every day.

Conditions we treat

Our compassionate team helps babies and children with pain, 恶心想吐, anxiety and other discomforts that result from serious illness. We specialize in many types of pain, including 头疼s, abdominal pain and pain in the joints, nerves and muscles.

我们与患有各种危及生命和复杂健康状况的儿童一起工作, including cancer, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, juvenile arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.

Treatments and therapies we offer

儿童姑息治疗从儿童接受诊断开始. 我们与您的孩子和家人密切合作,开发服务和治疗,提供舒适和疼痛缓解. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our team focuses on holistic palliative care. This means we integrate all aspects of your child’s physical, 心理和社会需求,并制定一个计划来维持他们的思想, 身体和精神.

全面的家庭支持是整体护理的重要组成部分. 这就是为什么我们设计每个护理计划,以提高您的孩子的福祉,同时也考虑到兄弟姐妹的不同需求, parents and loved ones.


Our team includes doctors, 护士, Child Life Specialists, 心理学家和社会工作者,他们有丰富的经验,帮助有生命危险和复杂医疗状况的婴儿和儿童. 我们与您孩子的医疗团队合作,为您和您的孩子提供支持.

Program Leadership

Pediatric Hospice and 姑息治疗
儿科疼痛 Medicine



Laura Payne, PhD 
Assistant Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics, 研究 Director

莎拉·R. 马丁博士
Post-Doctoral Scholar

Senior 研究 Associate

研究 Associate

Administrative 支持 Team

Evelyn Gutierrez
Administrative Assistant

UCLA Team Affiliates

牧师. 爱子(艾琳. Johnson, MA, MDiv, BCC
Pediatric Chaplain, Department of Spiritual Care

Kellye Carroll, MS, CCLS
Director, Child Life/Child Development Program


我们为孩子和家庭提供安慰、支持和鼓励. Our compassionate team is by your side every step of the way. 呼叫 310-825-0867 to connect with us.


我们为孩子和家庭提供安慰、支持和鼓励. Our compassionate team is by your side every step of the way. 呼叫 310-825-0867 to connect with us.