Breast Imaging

我们的团队在洛杉矶先进的乳房x光检查和乳房成像方面处于领先地位. 我们提供各种最先进的筛查和诊断工具.

Mammogram Machine Nurse

Why choose UCLA Health for breast imaging?

自从我们在洛杉矶开了第一家乳房x光检查中心, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心一直处于妇女健康和乳房成像服务的前沿. 我们是第一个获得乳房x光检查认证项目认证的中心, more recently, the first facility in California to become 100% digital.

Highlights of our program include:

Multispecialty, team-based treatment: We offer whole-person care from a team of experts. Our team includes breast radiologists, breast surgeons, radiation oncologists, pathologists, genetic specialists, nurse practitioners and registered nurses. We tailor screening, 预防和减少风险战略,以提供最好的可能结果.

Easy access to care: 我们在七个地点提供女性成像和乳房成像服务, so you have easy access to care close to home. 我们的每个设施都提供了广泛的最先进的工具, ensuring the highest level of quality for screening, diagnosis and treatment.

History of innovation: 我们的专家是公认的乳房成像领域的领导者. 我们不仅是洛杉矶第一家提供乳房超声的中心, 但我们也是该地区最早提供3D乳房x光检查技术的公司之一. Today, we are a totally digital mammography facility, providing high-quality care in a relaxing, compassionate environment.

Breast conditions we treat

乳房成像的主要目的是在早期阶段发现乳腺癌, when it’s easier to treat. 乳房成像也可以检测非癌性(良性)疾病, 如充满液体的生长(囊肿)或纤维囊性乳房.

乳房x光检查是检测乳腺癌最重要的工具之一. 自从乳房x光检查在20世纪80年代中期普及以来, 全国乳腺癌死亡率下降了40%. 美国放射学会推荐了一些乳房x光检查指南:

Women over 40 有平均乳腺癌风险的人应该每年做一次乳房x光检查.

Women under 40 乳腺癌高危人群可以开始每年进行乳房x光检查, and possibly yearly MRIs, at their doctor’s guidance. 增加患乳腺癌风险的因素包括:  

  • Family history of breast cancer
  • 乳房致密或有乳腺癌病史
  • History of chest radiation at a young age
  • Mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes
  • 12岁以下开始月经或55岁以后开始更年期

Tests and procedures we offer


Breast imaging exams

Types of breast imaging we offer include:

3D mammograms (breast tomosynthesis): Mammograms are low-dose breast X-rays. 技术人员从几个角度拍摄x光片,然后计算机将这些图像汇编成3D图像,使我们能够清楚地看到乳房组织.

Screening mammogram: 我们对没有乳腺癌迹象的病人进行乳房x光检查. These tests involve two views of the breast. 乳房x光检查是我们在早期发现癌症的最佳工具之一.

Diagnostic mammogram: 如果病人有可能患乳腺癌的症状,我们会做诊断性乳房x光检查. 它涉及乳房的几个视图,并侧重于特定的关注区域. 我们可以用这些检查来诊断乳房变化的原因, such as an unusual lump, pain or nipple discharge.

Breast ultrasound: 超声波利用高频声波产生乳房组织图像. 除了乳房x光检查外,我们还可以使用超声波来更仔细地观察乳房的变化. For example, 超声波可以帮助我们区分充满液体的囊肿, which is highly unlikely to be cancer, and a solid mass, which may need further testing. 超声波对乳腺组织致密的女性也很有用, for whom mammograms may not be as reliable.  

Breast MRI: 我们经常对被诊断患有乳腺癌的女性使用核磁共振成像. These tests can help measure the size of a mass, 寻找其他肿瘤或检查对侧乳房的肿瘤. 核磁共振成像使用磁铁和无线电波产生乳房从上到下各个方向的图像, left to right and front to back. 一些乳腺癌高风险的女性可能会从核磁共振筛查和每年的乳房x光检查中受益.

Breast biopsies

当乳房成像检测到乳房组织中的肿块或其他不规则物时, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have breast cancer. We perform a biopsy to check breast tissue for cancer.


Surgical biopsy: 你接受局部麻醉来麻痹你的乳房,同时静脉注射镇静剂来帮助你放松. 然后,外科医生切开切除一小部分乳房组织或整个肿瘤. 他们通常缝合切口,并在切口处放置无菌敷料.

MRI- or ultrasound-guided breast biopsy: 医生将空心活检针插入乳房, 然后使用核磁共振成像或超声波图像来确认针头是否在正确的位置. They obtain the tissue sample through the biopsy needle, bypassing the need to make an incision in the breast.

Stereotactic breast biopsy: 医生使用乳房x光检查来确定肿块或乳房变化的位置. 然后,他们使用活检针获得一个小的组织样本.

Presurgical wire localization: Using ultrasound or mammography guidance, 放射科医生在异常组织的确切位置放置一根小导线. 这条电线作为外科医生发现和切除癌症的“路线图”. 它在手术当天插入,并在手术结束时取出.

Meet our team

Our breast imaging team 使用最先进的研究驱动工具来筛查和诊断乳腺癌. 我们以悠久的创新历史为基础,为患者提供最先进的乳腺癌检测技术.

Contact us

Call 310-301-6800 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的乳房成像专家.

Find your care

我们提供筛查和诊断乳腺癌的全方位服务. To learn more about breast imaging services, call 310-301-6800.