How UCLA Health’s Pride Network empowers LGBTQ+ employees

“To have a supportive community outside and at work is so crucial.”
周日,Daniel Kasprowicz带领皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的医护人员参加第53届洛杉矶骄傲大游行
周日,Daniel Kasprowicz带领皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的医护人员参加第53届洛杉矶骄傲大游行, June 11 2023. (Photo by Nick Carranza/UCLA Health)

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心LGBTQ+员工及其盟友的一个虚拟读书俱乐部是丹尼尔·卡斯普罗维奇(Daniel Kasprowicz)畅所欲言自己是如何出柜的地方. 他从不透露自己的性取向,是个典型的注重隐私的人, said Kasprowicz, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校大卫·格芬医学院的业务关系经理.

“但是,这个论坛让我敞开心扉,以一种我很久没有过的方式变得脆弱. 分享这个故事是一种治疗,希望它能让别人受益.”

读书俱乐部是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康骄傲网络发起的项目之一, 一个全系统的员工和培训资源伞形组织,其目标是赋予系统中的LGBTQ+员工和学员权力. The initiative was started in 2020 by Emery Chang, MD, 她是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心圣莫尼卡内科和儿科诊所的LGBTQ+和艾滋病毒感染者的初级保健医生. 性别健康项目经理克里斯·曼恩也是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康骄傲网络的联合创始人.

Creating a safe space

Dr. Chang设想为皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的员工建立一个定期会面的社交团体, share ideas and foster connection, Kasprowicz said.

“这对许多皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康皇冠hga025的员工和教职员工来说是一个重要的资源,因为这可能是他们做自己感到舒适的唯一途径。,” he said. “They may not be out to family members, friends or even co-workers. Everyone has a different journey of where they are in the process.”

The UCLA Health Pride Network comprises 450 LGBTQ+ associates and allies. Since its inception, 它制作了一个出柜视频来庆祝10月11日的全国出柜日. 11, 2020, featuring half a dozen interviews of members. 该网络的核心组还实施了一项政策,要求员工在身份证上使用首选或“真实”姓名.

More on UCLA Health's LGBTQ+ care initiatives

In addition, 他们计划在洛杉矶和西好莱坞举办的一年一度的骄傲庆祝活动周围开展皇冠hga020电脑版外展活动,向与会者介绍皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的医疗服务和项目.

Troy Ratcliffe
Troy Ratcliffe. (Handout photo)

Troy Ratcliff, regional float manager for the Santa Monica, Malibu and Pacific Palisades clinics, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康骄傲网络不仅对教职员工很重要, but also for patients who come to the system’s clinics.

“对于我们这样规模的组织来说,这很重要,因为我们也在处理性别健康人群,他们可以来我们的诊所,知道有像他们这样的人参与他们的护理,他们会感到安全,” he said.

Jacquelyn Rollins, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校综合肿瘤学中心的项目协调员, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康骄傲网络通过组织面对面和虚拟会面,为皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗系统中的LGBTQ+员工和学员提供了一种“联系感”.

“Last year, 我们讨论过猴痘疫苗,因为我们是处于危险中的人群,” she said. “作为员工和同性恋者,能参与到如此热门的话题中,感觉很好.”

A supportive community

Rollins, Ratcliff and Kasprowicz, who form part of the core group that moves this initiative forward, shared that they all faced their own personal challenges in coming out. Rollins tears up as she speaks about how she came out as queer at age 35.

“在外面和工作中有一个支持的皇冠hga020电脑版是至关重要的,”她说. “It’s not about who our romantic partners are. It’s a culture and a community in itself. 它为我提供了一个探索酷儿的不同方面的空间.”

Jaquelyn Rollins
Jaquelyn Rollins. (Photo by Meredith Carlson)

Rollins also sees this space extend to patient care. She describes meeting Dr. Justine Lee, 他是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的整形外科医生,从事面部性别确认手术, as a “fangirl moment.”

“It doesn’t affect me directly as a cis woman, 但这种力量在于了解她为他人提供的照顾以及她对整个皇冠hga020电脑版的影响. It means a lot given the attacks on transgender care in other states.”

Ratcliff was 25 when he came out. Having grown up in a Christian, midwestern, farming community, 他说,在上大学之前,他“甚至不知道同性恋是什么”.

“所以,对我来说,能够在一个开放和支持的组织中工作是非常重要的,”他说. “I love our PRIDE events. I would volunteer every single day to be there, 成为皇冠hga020电脑版的一部分,让皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校成为一个支持我们的公司. Our patients see us involved and see us out there.

“I want to be a part of it, even if it’s a small part, even it means I help change one person’s perspective.”

Kasprowicz came out when he was 28. 他在一家杂货店的同事指导他如何与家人交谈. That man taught him that there is no right time to come out. 他说,如果你的家人爱你,他们就会爱你,接受真实的你.

“关键是,在我成长的过程中,我没有一个可以倾诉的人. Meeting him was a real turning point in my life,” Kasprowicz said.

A ‘therapeutic escape’

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康骄傲网络也为员工提供公平参加骄傲活动的机会, which can sometimes be cost-prohibitive, Ratcliff said.

“我们的组织雇佣了所有人,从前台的工作人员到抽血人员,再到医生和总统,” he said. “Everyone’s finances are a little different. 如果有人作为志愿者轮班4个小时,他们就有机会参加整个音乐节. I think that’s a really beautiful thing that we are able to provide.”

UCLA Health Booth at Pride
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的医务人员参加以皇冠hga020电脑版为中心的活动,庆祝PRIDE,促进LGBTQ+的健康和保健. (Photo by Nick Carranza/UCLA Health)


他说:“我是一名IT人员,不像其他员工那样直接处理病人护理问题。. “I don’t get exposed to gender health operations. But, 这个小组帮助我把它传递出去,为那些可能正在经历挣扎的人做点什么. Maybe I could help make their lives a little more comfortable.”

罗林斯希望看到这一倡议开花结果,并通过在机构和州一级为政策提供信息而走得更远. Kasprowicz认为,除非LGBTQ+皇冠hga020电脑版获得公平的医疗保健,否则他们的工作就不会完成.


“It’s about letting our patients know we’ve got their back, we’re there to support them, and they are in a safe place,” he said.

Take the Next Step

Learn more about UCLA Health's LGBTQ+ health care initiatives.