赫斯特健康奖 judging panel selects two finalists; Winner to be announced at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康数据日

Prize awards $100,000 to recognize excellence in data science in healthcare

赫斯特的健康 和 the UCLA Center for SMART Health today announced that a panel of expert judges has selected 西奈山医疗系统 和 德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心 as the 2024 赫斯特健康奖 finalists. 获胜者将于 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康数据日 2024年6月4日.

的 赫斯特健康奖 showcases data science programs making an impact on human health. 评委们用几个标准来评估参赛作品, including demonstrated health impact or outcomes, data science approach, 和 scalability.

西奈山医疗系统 was selected for a machine learning application that enables the faster identification 和 treatment of malnutrition in hospitalized patients. 直接集成在电子健康记录中, NutriScan AI offers a high level of precision in identifying those patients most in need of nutritional intervention, enabling registered dieticians to prioritize patient visits accordingly. 医院 deploying NutriScan AI have achieved a sustained increase in the malnutrition diagnosis rate.

德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心 was selected for its work developing data science pipelines for cancer research, 特别是在肺癌领域. 的 team has conducted studies that show promise in the ability of deep learning to advance cancer care 和 reshape clinical trials, including aiding in the identification of high-risk patients for lung cancer prevention, 加快肺癌诊断, 和 facilitating treatment decision making for individualized therapy for lung cancer patients. 


  • Ivelyse Andino, Founder 和 Chief Executive Officer of Radical Health 

Ivelyse is a nationally recognized leader in patient advocacy 和 health equity strategist building community at the intersection of health, 股权与技术. Her work has helped bridge the gap between systemically marginalized communities 和 the medical system. 

  • Alex Bui博士.D.他是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校智能健康中心的联合主任

亚历克斯是放射学教授, 生物工程, 和 bioinformatics 和 holds the David Geffen Chair in Informatics at UCLA. His primary research areas include distributed information architectures 和 mHealth; development, 评价, 和 translation of AI-based methods for healthcare; 和 data visualization.

  • Arash Naeim, m.s.D., Ph.D.他是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校智能健康中心的联合主任

Arash is a professor of medicine 和 生物工程 at UCLA 和 holds the Yomtoubian Endowed Chair in Cancer 和 Risk Sciences. His primary research area is on the interface of aging 和 cancer, 医学和技术, 健康经济学. 他是临床医学的主要研究者之一 & 转化科学研究所, Chief Medical Officer 和 Associate Dean for Clinical Research, 精密健康研究所副所长.

  • 詹妮弗·K. 瓦格纳,J.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Law, Policy, 和 Engineering 和 Anthropology at Penn State

Jennifer is a multidisciplinary expert whose research has been focused on the international human right to science, including human-centered design 和 matters of nondiscrimination, privacy 和 equity with genomics 和 digital health technologies.

阿拉什·纳伊姆说, “I was impressed with the 2024 Prize submissions 和 anticipate some fascinating discussions next month. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康数据日 not only creates a space to recognize innovative leaders using data science to transform healthcare, it opens pathways to uncover potential synergies 和 collaborative opportunities that will further advance this work.” 

格雷戈里·多恩,m.s.D., 赫斯特医疗集团总裁, 说, “With guidance from the 赫斯特的健康 businesses impacting care for the majority of people in the U.S., it’s our responsibility to help drive innovation across the healthcare ecosystem. Highlighting the work of the 赫斯特健康奖 finalists 和 sponsoring 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康数据日 provides an avenue to carry out this commitment.”


UCLA系统研究中心, 可衡量的, 可操作的, 有弹性的, 和 Technology-driven (SMART) Health is a campus-wide collaborative that looks to the integrated transformation of healthcare through emergent data 和 technologies. A joint effort between the Clinical 和 转化科学研究所 (CTSI), 精密健康研究所(IPH), 和B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences that brings together UCLA’s experts to shape how digital 和 data-driven healthcare technologies will help to manage risk, 可靠性, 弹性, 不确定性, 和 precision in future biomedical research 和 clinical care. 


的 mission of 赫斯特的健康 is to help guide the most important care moments by delivering vital information into the h和s of everyone who touches a person’s health journey. Care guidance from 赫斯特的健康 reaches the majority of people in the U.S. 赫斯特医疗网络包括 FDB(第一数据库), Zynx健康, MCG, 家庭护理相隔千山万水 和 MHK. Hearst also holds a minority interest in the precision medicine 和 oncology analytics company Aster 的见解. 关注赫斯特健康频道 @HearstHealth 和LinkedIn @Hearst-Health.  


