
When you need robotic surgery, you want leaders in the field. Our surgeons are among the most experienced robotic surgery specialists in the country.



At 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s robotic surgery program, we want you to have the best possible surgery and recovery. 我们的机器人手术团队, which includes experienced surgeons and highly specialized staff, 提供世界一流的护理. We pay special attention to managing your recovery process and getting you back to your daily activities.

在该领域经验丰富的领导者: We do more robotic surgeries than most other medical centers in the nation. Skilled specialists also lead simulation trainings and educational programs at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for doctors around the country. Our vast experience allows you to have an exceptional treatment experience.

先进的技术: We use robotic surgery to do complex and life-saving surgeries. The 3D camera and magnification allows the surgeon to visualize the anatomy of the operation better. 你的外科医生完全控制机器人工具, which allows for greater precision and access to hard-to-reach places.. Our focus on safety and quality means you can rest assured you’re in good hands.

更快的恢复: Robotic surgery can make a huge difference in your healing process. 这种先进的技术涉及小, minimally invasive incisions that mean you recover faster and with less pain allowing the most comfortable experience possible, 这样你就能专注于顺利康复了.


Robotic surgery (robot-assisted surgery) is a highly precise and minimally invasive surgical technique. 不像传统的(开放式)手术, minimally invasive surgery uses a few small incisions with the advantage of less pain and faster recovery versus one large incision with typically delayed recovery and more pain.


We use state-of-the-art technology called the da Vinci® surgical system. 这个系统包括一个控制台(一组控件)。, 专门的手术工具和高清摄像机.

The camera shows your surgeon a clear, three-dimensional view of the area of operation. The image is magnified to 10 times what the human eye can see. Your surgeon uses the console and images from the camera to guide and control the tools during your procedure.

你的外科医生在操作台的每一个动作, the da Vinci robot replicates it inside your body on a smaller scale. Your surgeon has complete control during the entire procedure.


Using the robotic surgical system, your surgeon has extremely precise tools and enhanced imaging. The tools have more stability and a better range of motion than your surgeon would have alone.

The small size of the tools allows your surgeon to make smaller incisions. It also reduces the amount of trauma to tissues in your body.


  • 缩短手术后住院时间
  • 更快的恢复 and return to your daily activities and work
  • 更少的失血和输血
  • 减少疼痛和疤痕
  • 减少感染和伤口愈合问题的风险


Robotic surgery offers a reduction in pain levels after surgery because of smaller incisions and less trauma to the tissues and plays an important role in our emphasis on proactive pain management. 我们知道手术可能会让人感到难以承受和恐惧. 作为术前筛查评估的一部分, our team talks with you about the procedure and your concerns to help you understand what to expect during and after surgery.

We also provide you with pain management expertise while you’re at the hospital and when you return home. As part of our comprehensive proactive pain management plan, robotic surgery is a major component to minimize post surgical pain.


我们的专家团队 at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 successfully treats many conditions using robot-assisted surgery. This technology offers unparalleled outcomes for surgical procedures such as:

  • 结直肠手术
  • 子宫内膜异位手术
  • 普通外科
  • 妇科手术
  • 头颈外科
  • 心脏手术
  • 胸外科手术
  • 泌尿外科(治疗泌尿系统癌症)


Our specialists provide coordinated care and highly skilled expertise to treat cancer using robotic surgery. A multidisciplinary team of experts works together and with you to make the best possible decisions about your cancer care. We understand how important it is for you to be informed and prepared for surgery.

The robotic approach when applied to your cancer surgery may provide improved efficiency in completing your multidisciplinary treatment plan. 更快的恢复 and fewer complications associated with robotic surgery means that the next phase of your cancer care can begin in a timely manner when its most effective.


We constantly search for ways to improve robotic surgery techniques so that you receive the safest and most advanced care. A number of our providers are leaders in robotic surgery research for better outcomes. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心了解更多关于机器人手术的研究 高级外科与介入技术中心.


Your care team during robotic surgery includes highly experienced surgeons, 护理和手术室工作人员, 和麻醉医师. We perform robotic surgeries every day with the extensive experience to achieve safe, 成功的结果.

Our team members work closely together, so you receive seamless and coordinated care. We're with you every step of the way, from consultation through recovery.


呼叫 310-825-2631 to learn more about our robotic surgery team and services available at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our experienced robotic surgery team provides exceptional care. 要了解更多关于我们的机器人手术服务,请致电 310-825-2631.