
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的罗伯特·G. 卡戴珊食道健康中心, we combine expertise and innovation to create the ideal healing environment for people with an esophageal cancer diagnosis.



作为 罗伯特·G. 卡戴珊食道健康中心, UCLA Health’s 食道癌 Program is the epicenter of specialized care. 信赖我们的照顾,您将得到:

在复杂食管癌方面的专业知识我们的专家对食管癌了如指掌. 这就是为什么全国各地的医院都把病人推荐给我们.

以同理心提供全面护理: You’ll receive thorough care and compassionate support from our team of esophageal cancer specialists.

获得突破性研究: As an academic medical center, we have access to the latest research and technology. We are constantly searching for better ways to detect and treat esophageal cancer.

在多个地点提供高质量的护理: You can receive esophageal cancer treatments and services at our community cancer care centers located across the greater Los Angeles region. UCLA Health is proud to offer leading-edge cancer support, close to your home.


Our goal is to spot esophageal cancer in its early stages so treatments will be more effective. Swallowing difficulty is usually the first sign that something is wrong. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心:


If you are having trouble swallowing, your physician may order one or more of the following tests:

先进的成像: Imaging such as CT or positron emission tomography (PET) scans to determine if cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

钡吞下: 一种结合x射线和钡的检查, 一个厚, radioactive liquid that coats and outlines the esophagus when swallowed. 钡能增强x射线图像, allowing your doctor to see tumors and cancerous tissues more clearly.

内窥镜超声检查: A test to determine how advanced the cancer is and if it has spread to other parts of the body.

食道pH值检测: 一种测量胃酸在食道停留时间的测试. A high volume of acid can indicate chronic acid reflux, which can lead to esophageal cancer. 

高分辨率阻抗食管测压仪: A test to measure the pressure in your esophagus to determine if it is functioning properly.

食管镜测法: A diagnostic test in which a specialist inserts a thin tool with a lighted tip, 叫做内窥镜, 通过你的嘴和喉咙观察你的食道. 

活组织检查: A procedure to remove a small sample of your esophageal tissue with an endoscope. 实验室专家检查样本是否有癌细胞.


Finding the right support can be as important as receiving the right treatment. 我们提供:

Simms/Mann-UCLA综合肿瘤学中心: Our center provides countless resources to help ease the burden of cancer. 你会找到有用话题的研讨会, 从身心康复到压力管理策略等等. 浏览我们的服务.

言语治疗: A speech pathologist can help you regain strength in your mouth and throat muscles after surgery. 特殊的练习可以提高你吞咽和说话的能力.

营养咨询: The esophagus plays an integral role in the body’s ability to receive nutrition. Our dietitians help you get the nutrition you need when it’s difficult to swallow.


Our experts successfully treat some of the most difficult esophageal cancer cases. 这两种主要类型包括:

食管腺癌: 这是美国最常见的食管癌, 它生长在食道的粘液生成细胞中. This form of cancer usually occurs in the lower part of the esophagus.

食管鳞状细胞癌: Squamous cell carcinoma starts in the squamous cells, which line the esophagus. This form of cancer usually occurs in the middle to upper part of the esophagus.


UCLA Health offers both nonsurgical and surgical treatments for esophageal cancer, including:


Depending on your diagnosis, your doctor may create a plan that involves one or more treatments:

化疗: 用药物杀死癌细胞. 化疗通常在手术前用于缩小肿瘤.

放射治疗: A procedure that uses high-energy radiation beams to kill cancerous tissue, shrink tumors prior to surgery or destroy remaining cancer cells after surgery.

临床试验: Studies of promising esophageal cancer treatments that are not yet available to the public.


Depending on the stage of cancer, your surgeon may recommend surgery. 我们的专家擅长:

冷冻疗法: A procedure in which the surgeon freezes and kills precancerous tissues by applying extremely cold liquid nitrogen.

内镜下粘膜切除术(EMR): A minimally invasive surgery to remove tumors or early stage cancerous tissues.

食管切除术: A surgery to remove the part of the esophagus that contains cancer. Esophagectomy may cure early stage disease or relieve problematic symptoms of later-stage cancer.

支架手术: A procedure performed in later-stage cancers to implant a scaffold-like device (stent) into the esophagus. The stent helps keep the esophagus open and relieve swallowing difficulties.


Our esophageal cancer specialists provide patient-centered care based on the latest esophageal cancer science. UCLA Health providers are board certified and have years of experience treating esophageal cancer.


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胃肠病学营养, 胃肠病学


呼叫 833-373-7674 to request an appointment with an esophageal cancer specialist at UCLA Health.


Our esophageal cancer experts create a care plan that’s right for you. 欲了解更多信息,请与癌症护理专家联系 833-373-7674.