Sports Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury Program

At UCLA, our approach to traumatic brain injury (TBI) is three-pronged. We provide clinical care, pursue both clinical and basic science research, and are involved in community outreach and education. 临床上,我们采用多学科方法治疗运动相关脑震荡和儿童脑外伤. Our Sports Concussion clinic treats athletes participating in all levels of competitive sport participation, from school-aged children to the professional level. 我们的儿科创伤性脑损伤诊所为所有严重程度的创伤性脑损伤儿童提供护理, and any persistent neurological and/or cognitive issues including headache, school difficulties, seizures, etc. 我们的患者可以接受全面的神经系统检查和/或简短的纸笔神经心理测试与有执照的神经心理学家. 对于我们的运动员,我们还在基线和随访时提供计算机化的神经认知测试. We have a referral network that includes spine specialists, orthopedists, primary care sports medicine, neurorehabilitation, and neuroimaging. 我们的诊所为现役和退役的职业运动员以及伊拉克和阿富汗的军人提供多学科的神经学和神经心理学护理 Operation Mend.

The newly established UCLA Steve Tish BrainSPORT Program focuses on concussions sustained during athletics and recreation. SPORT stands for Sports concussion Prevention Outreach Research and Treatment program. It is a comprehensive concussion assessment and care program, 为参与的当地学校提供与我们的大学运动员相同水平的照顾, in keeping with the most recent (2013) evidence-based standards for concussion management. Our program contributed to both the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) and the Centers for Disease Control and Injury Prevention (CDC) 脑震荡治疗的建议,并遵循这些协议在照顾青少年运动员.


In conjunction with the Brain Injury Research Center (BIRC) we also perform outreach, educating the community about traumatic brain injury and sports concussion. We have educational sessions for the community-at-large, athletic trainers, school administrators, and other physicians in both small-scale lectures and large symposia. The BIRC also supports the research arm of our Pediatric TBI program, with research in animal models of TBI and epilepsy, endocrine issues, and repeat injury. 从临床研究的角度来看,我们目前正在参与多机构的研究 National Sports Concussion Outcomes Study (NSCOS) following athletes of all ages after injury. 我们也在研究各种严重创伤性脑损伤后症状的神经影像学和神经心理学相关性.


Dr. Christopher Giza
Christopher Giza, MD

Neurologist, Specialized in Sports Concussion and TBI
Director, UCLA Steve Tisch BrainSPORT Program

Christopher Giza leads the Pediatric TBI/Sports Concussion program at UCLA. Eminently qualified, he served as Vice-Chair for the California State Athletic Commission, 2011年,他以国防部民事顾问和美国神经病学学会委员会联合主席的身份前往阿富汗, 在2013年制定了基于证据的运动脑震荡管理实践指南. Dr. Giza serves on the Center for Disease Control's Pediatric mild TBI committee, the NCAA Concussion Task Force and the Major League Soccer Concussion Program Committee. 他目前是David Geffen医学院和UCLA Mattel儿童医院的儿科神经病学和神经外科教授.

A graduate of Dartmouth College, Dr. Giza received his M.D. from West Virginia University and completed his internship at the University of Pennsylvania. He then trained in Adult and Pediatric Neurology at UCLA, after which he worked on the Yosemite Search and Rescue team. In 1998, 他回到皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校,加入神经外科脑损伤研究中心. His research interests include neuroplasticity, recovery from injury, sports-related concussions, post-traumatic epilepsy and brain development.


Meeryo Choe, MD
Meeryo Choe, MD

Neurologist, Specialized in Sports Concussion and TBI

Meeryo Choe grew up in the Los Angeles area, traveled east to attend Amherst College, and then returned to L.A. to attend medical school at USC. She came to UCLA in 2004 for pediatrics residency and child neurology fellowship. After completing training, 她决定将自己对运动的个人兴趣和对大脑发育的专业兴趣结合起来,作为神经创伤/运动神经病学研究员. Christopher Giza. In clinic, Meeryo has been seeing patients with traumatic brain injury, with a focus on sports-related concussion. Her clinical and research interests include post-traumatic headache/migraine, gender differences in outcome after concussion, and dysautonomia. An avid equestrian competing in show jumping and former swimmer, Meeryo coaches at a local high school as well, 让她以独特的视角看待运动员重返运动的愿望以及他们可能遇到的外部压力.

Contact Us

Appointments & Referrals - Phone: (310) 825-0867

Administrative Office - Phone: (310) 825-6196

Team Members

Sue Yudovin, RN, MN, CPNP
Nurse Practitioner, Specialized in Sports Concussion and TBI
Sue Yudovin是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院儿科神经内科的儿科执业护士. She is an assistant clinical professor at the UCLA School of Nursing. She received her Bachelor's in Nursing from California State University, 并获得了护理硕士学位以及皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校护理研究生院的执业护士. 苏是创伤性脑损伤/脑震荡小组的成员,并参与了评估, 不同程度脑损伤患儿的评估及临床/研究护理. She focuses on outcomes of children after TBI, and has presented research at national child neurology and neurotrauma meetings.

Talin Babikian, PhD, ABPP
Clinical Neuropsychologist, Specialized in Sports Concussion and TBI
Talin Babikian是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校David Geffen医学院儿童和青少年精神病学皇冠hga025的临床神经心理学家和助理临床教授. Dr. Babikian于2005年在洛马林达大学获得临床心理学博士学位,主修神经心理学. 她在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校神经精神研究所(现为Semel神经科学和人类行为研究所)完成了博士前实习, focusing on developmental disabilities and pediatric neuropsychology. Dr. Babikian积极参与研究,使用新颖的神经成像技术来了解儿童脑损伤后的神经认知结果和修复和恢复过程,并撰写了多篇关于这一主题的论文, 包括一项综合的荟萃分析,总结了目前关于头部损伤结果的文献状况. 她还在青少年轻度脑损伤或脑震荡后的结果及其预测方面发展了专业知识, 并帮助在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校建立了多学科运动相关的脑震荡诊所,为神经学/医学提供服务, cognitive/academic, and psychosocial needs of children, adolescents, and adults with sports related injuries.

Jesse Fischer
Clinic and Research Coordinator
Jesse Fischer earned his BA in psychology and kinesiology at Occidental College, where he played 4 years of college football. His clinical and research interests include the neurocognitive assessment, recovery, and treatment of patients with brain injury, as well as the school performance of students after injury. 他与人合著了几篇关于TBI/脑震荡的摘要,也是一篇研究儿童TBI后学校表现的海报的主要作者. As a former collegiate athlete, 运动脑震荡的意识和脑震荡的适当管理问题已经成为他工作的重要组成部分. 他与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校TBI-SC项目合作,增加学校和皇冠hga020电脑版对创伤性脑损伤和运动脑震荡的教育. Jesse协助UCLA TBI-SC项目的患者安排和随访,并期待继续在临床神经心理学方面的工作.

Max Zeiger
Clinic and Research Coordinator
Max Zeiger earned his BS in neuroscience from the University of Michigan. 他开始了他在运动神经学领域的研究和临床工作,作为密歇根神经运动诊所的本科生研究助理, investigating recovery from sport-related concussions and post-traumatic migraines. Following graduation he decided to continue developing his passions for sports, neuroscience, and traumatic brain injury at the UCLA Pediatric TBI-SC program. 他与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校Steve Tisch BrainSPORT项目合作,增加学校和皇冠hga020电脑版对创伤性脑损伤和运动性脑震荡的教育. Max协助皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校Steve Tisch BrainSPORT项目的患者安排和随访. His clinical and research interests include post-traumatic headache/migraine, recovery and treatment of patients with brain injury, 以及评估不同的临床工具来评估和管理脑震荡.


The UCLA Sports Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury Program in the News

U Magazine - Clocked! UCLA Researchers are redefining the science of concussion


UCLA Study Examining Long Term Effects of Concussions, Contact

UCLA Neurologists Present New Guidelines for Sports Concussions

UCLA Brain Injury Research Center Receives NCAA Funding for Research on Sports Concussions

High School Lacrosse Players to Participate in National Study

LMU Basketball Part of NCAA Concussion Research Study

UCLA Researchers, US Military Collaborate to Open Center for Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain Changes Continue After Child's Concussion: Study

Educational materials

UCLA Concussion Clinic

American Academy of Neurology Concussion Toolkit

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Traumatic Brain Injury

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Sports Concussion

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Concussion in High School Sports


NFL Neurological Care Program

Educational Videos

"Keeping Quiet Can Keep You Out of the Game"

"Concussion: The Invisible Injury"