Fibroid Care

We treat women with uterine fibroids using minimally invasive and noninvasive procedures whenever possible. 我们以团队为基础的方法提供了及时有效的救济.



At the UCLA Health Uterine Fibroid Program, our experts treat all types of fibroids in the uterus. Uterine fibroids are common, noncancerous growths in the uterus that are usually not serious. 当肌瘤症状包括并发症和疼痛, 我们为您提供一流的治疗和富有同情心的护理.


全面的诊断: We offer a full array of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for uterine fibroids. 你会得到一个经验丰富的团队的全面评估.

量身定制的治疗方案:我们根据您的症状定制您的护理计划. Our goal is to deliver the safest, most effective treatments, so you can stay healthy.

以团队为基础的方法我们的子宫肌瘤专家包括妇科医生, 团体手中, 放射科医生诊断, 介入放射科医生和执业护士. This multispecialty team works collaboratively to streamline your care, 所以你收到的是协调的, 综合治疗.

微创和非侵入性手术: We offer treatments that result in fewer incisions and help you recover faster. Our approach eases fibroid symptoms without affecting surrounding healthy tissue.



  • Intramural这种类型生长在子宫肌壁内.
  • Submucosal: These fibroids may grow into the open space inside the uterus.
  • Subserosal它们生长在子宫外.


肌瘤通常发生在育龄期. 大多数患有肌瘤的女性没有任何症状. 当肌瘤变大或繁殖时,可能会引起:

  • 月经间出血
  • 怀孕困难
  • 尿频
  • 严重或长时间的月经
  • Low back pain
  • 性交疼痛
  • 盆腔疼痛和压力


Doctors typically diagnose fibroids in the uterus during a physical checkup or imaging test. Your doctor may feel a firm, irregular lump during a pelvic exam. 有些肌瘤可通过以下方法检测:

Ultrasound: This test uses sound waves to provide detailed images of your uterus and fibroids.

MRI: This scan uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create detailed images showing the size, 子宫肌瘤的数量和位置.

盐水输注超声: This form of ultrasound provides images of the inside of the uterus. 盐水输注超声 helps doctors determine the cause of unusual vaginal bleeding.

在某些情况下,你的医生可能会进行额外的检查. 这些可能包括:

子宫输卵管造影(HSG): After inserting a catheter (small tube) in the uterus, your doctor injects a dye and takes X-rays. Doctors often use this test for women having trouble getting pregnant.

Hysteroscopy你的医生插入了一个长, thin camera and light (hysteroscope) through the vagina and cervix into the uterus. This method may be used to diagnose the cause of infertility or miscarriages.

Laparoscopy你的医生在你的肚脐附近做了一个小切口. The doctor then inserts a long, thin camera and light (laparoscope) in the abdomen and pelvis. This method often helps to identify the source of pelvic or abdominal pain.


We offer the full spectrum of minimally invasive and noninvasive fibroid procedures. Our expert teams use the least invasive treatment possible to relieve your symptoms and eliminate your pain. 选项包括:


Our fibroid experts work closely with you to customize your treatment plan. 非手术选择包括:

观察等待肌瘤很常见,很少癌变. 大多数女性症状轻微或没有症状. 你的医生可能会建议长期监测肌瘤.

另类疗法: You may experience symptom relief with healthy lifestyle choices and bodywork therapies. Our nutrition and lifestyle coaches can help you manage stress and improve sleep and nutrition. We can also help you find a provider at the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine to meet your specific needs.

Medications: Doctors often prescribe medications to manage fibroid pain, pressure and bleeding. Examples include hormone therapy and drugs that treat cramping and pain, 比如促性腺激素释放激素激动剂, hormonal contraceptives or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

高强度聚焦超声(HIFU): This noninvasive treatment option safely destroys fibroids and relieves symptoms in women who want to get pregnant. Doctors use a special MRI machine to precisely target each fibroid with thermal energy while sparing the uterus. UCLA Health is the only center in greater Los Angeles offering this therapy.

子宫动脉栓塞术: This option, 也被称为子宫肌瘤栓塞(UFE), 包括微创手术来减少出血, 压力和疼痛. Doctors insert a small tube (catheter) through an artery in the groin or wrist and guide it to the arteries supplying the fibroids with blood. The catheter releases small particles that cut off blood supply to the fibroids so they shrink. 高达90%的女性在阿联酋术后疼痛明显缓解.

射频消融,或Sonata®治疗: Doctors insert an ultrasound device through the vagina into the uterus to target fibroids with radiofrequency energy. 奏鸣曲治疗可以缩小肌瘤的大小,缓解症状.


If nonsurgical treatments fail to resolve your symptoms, doctors may recommend surgery. 我们提供两种手术选择:

Myomectomy我们只切除肌瘤,保留子宫. 医生可能会使用非手术或微创手术, or they may perform traditional open surgery with a large incision in the abdomen. 在一些病人中, myomectomy can be performed hysteroscopically (by inserting a thin, 带有小摄像头的柔性试管进入子宫)

Hysterectomy外科医生切除含有肌瘤的子宫. Hysterectomy may be performed as a minimally invasive procedure or traditional open surgery. UCLA is one of the few sites offering vNOTES (transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery). This technique does not require an incision, so recovery time is shorter.

Meet our team

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康专家小组包括妇科医生, 团体手中, 放射科医生诊断, 介入放射科医生和执业护士. Together, they work to evaluate your concerns and offer a tailored treatment plan. Our clinical team promotes patient education and emphasizes collaborative care, 这样你就能得到你应得的信息和关注.


微创妇科外科, Gynecology
Urogynecology, 微创妇科外科


微创妇科外科, 妇产科
妇产科, 微创妇科外科
Urogynecology, 微创妇科外科, Gynecology
微创妇科外科, 妇产科
微创妇科外科, Gynecology
妇产科, 微创妇科外科
微创妇科外科, 妇产科
Urogynecology, 微创妇科外科


介入放射学, 诊断放射学
介入放射学, 诊断放射学
介入放射学, 诊断放射学
介入放射学, 诊断放射学
介入放射学, 诊断放射学
介入放射学, 诊断放射学


Contact us


If you’re looking to review fibroid treatment options for fibroids in the uterus with an OB/GYN provider or want a second opinion, please call 310-794-7274.


If you already have a provider helping you manage a fibroid condition and are interested in MR-guided high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) or uterine artery embolization (UAE) treatment, please call 310-481-7545.


You receive exceptional care and personalized pain management from an expert team. 打电话皇冠hga025的肌瘤专家.

If you’re looking to review fibroid treatment options with an OB/GYN provider or want a second opinion, please call: 310-794-7274

If you already have a provider helping you manage a fibroid condition and are interested in MR-guided high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) or uterine artery embolization (UAE) treatment, please call 310-481-7545.