Complex Airway Surgery for Adults

我们高度专业化的团队治疗涉及喉(声带)和气管(气管)的疾病。. We provide complete care to help you breathe, speak and swallow more easily.

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for complex airway surgery? 

Complex airway conditions affect breathing and require highly specialized care. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康复杂气道手术团队以其改善人们生活质量的卓越治疗而闻名于世. When you choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for complex airway surgery, you can expect:


公认的卓越: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的头颈外科项目一直被美国医学协会评为全美最佳.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道. 我们的许多头颈部医生被《皇冠hga020电脑版》评为南皇冠hga025的“顶级医生”和“超级医生”. 

先进的专业知识: 我们的医生在诊断和治疗各种气道疾病方面有几十年的经验. Our breadth and depth of knowledge leads to successful outcomes. 

团队的方法: Our complex airway team includes specialists in otolaryngology (ear, 鼻喉护理), 胸外科手术, 介入肺脏学(专注于微创方法治疗气道疾病), gastroenterology (cares for the digestive system), speech-language pathology and respiratory therapy.

方便的护理: 我们可以在办公室而不是在医院进行许多诊断和治疗程序. 

研究重点: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的内科医生和科学家处于气道疾病临床和实验室研究的前沿. Our faculty regularly publish their research to advance airway care. 

Types of complex airway conditions we treat 

气道或呼吸道包括吸入氧气和排出二氧化碳的结构和器官. Breathing and speaking can be difficult when parts of the airway, 包括咽(喉), larynx (voice box) and trachea (windpipe), 狭窄或阻塞. Various airway disorders also affect swallowing.

Some airway conditions may be congenital (present at birth). Others are caused by trauma, disease or prolonged use of a breathing tube.

Our team treats all conditions affecting your airway, including:


气道狭窄是指气道狭窄,导致声音嘶哑或呼吸困难. 气道狭窄 types depend on their location and include:

  • 声门的狭窄: Narrowing of the larynx at the vocal cords 
  • 声门下狭窄: Narrowing of the larynx below the vocal cords
  • 气管狭窄: 气管变窄
  • 插管后气道狭窄: 气管狭窄由长时间插管或气管造口术(在颈部前方进入气管的外科手术)引起。 
  • Post-radiation pharyngeal and airway stenosis: Stenosis that happens after radiation treatment


Many other conditions can affect your ability to breathe, such as: 

  • 双侧声带麻痹: The vocal folds don’t move, affecting breathing and speaking.
  • 喉肿瘤: Abnormal cells develop and multiply in the larynx, forming a tumor. Laryngeal tumors can be cancerous (malignant) or noncancerous (benign). 
  • Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: 人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)在声带上或附近引起良性疣样生长, resulting in hoarseness or other voice changes. Large growths may also make breathing difficult. The growths return after removal because the virus is still in the tissue.
  • 喘鸣: 这是由声带麻痹或气道阻塞或狭窄引起的嘈杂呼吸.
  • Tracheobronchomalacia: Tissues of the airway become soft and weak, causing a partial airway obstruction. 
  • 气管食管瘘: 食道和气管之间的异常连接使食物和液体能够到达肺部. This anomaly can be congenital or occur from other conditions.
  • Tracheostomy dependence and tracheostomy-related disorders: Some patients need a tracheostomy tube to help with breathing. Prolonged use of a trach tube for ventilation can cause various complications.


你的医生可能会把你介绍给耳鼻喉科医生(耳鼻喉科医生)。. 耳鼻喉科接受过呼吸道疾病方面的专门培训,可以制定治疗计划,帮助你感觉更好.

Diagnosing complex airway conditions 



We may request samples of blood, urine or tissues to analyze in a lab. 信息 from lab tests can provide valuable health insights.


你的医生可能会要求你提供呼吸道、肺部和血管的详细照片. 常见的影像学检查包括:

  • 胸部x光片: 这项技术使用电磁辐射来捕捉你胸部内部的图像.
  • 计算机断层扫描(CT): 这种扫描结合了x射线和计算机来产生气道结构和胸部区域的详细图像.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): 这个测试使用无线电波, 高功率的磁铁和一台电脑来创建你呼吸系统的详细图像.
  • Esophagram (barium swallow study): 你吞下一种含有钡的溶液,当它向下移动到胃时,它会覆盖在你的食道上. 这个解决方案可以帮助你的医生在专门的x光检查中看到你的食道.
  • 改良钡餐研究: 这个测试就像吞钡一样,但检查是否有食物或液体进入你的肺部.


我们通过鼻子或嘴巴插入一根带有灯和摄像头的柔性或刚性管子(内窥镜)来观察部分气道. Specialized endoscopic tests we perform in our office include:

  • 喉镜检查: 观察喉部
  • 支气管镜检查: 看气管
  • 食管镜测法: 评估食道
  • Flexible (fiberoptic) endoscopic evaluation of swallowing: A laryngoscopy that focuses on the swallowing process
  • 底食管镜测法: Views the esophagus by entering through the nose instead of the mouth
  • 三重内窥镜检查: 评估喉部, 上下气道, and upper gastrointestinal tract in a single endoscopic procedure in the hospital
  • Videostroboscopy: Views the vocal cords as you make sounds
  • 内镜活检: Takes tissue samples to be analyzed in a lab

Treating complex airway conditions

大多数气道治疗的目的是拓宽气道,清除障碍,使呼吸更容易. Depending on your specific diagnosis and needs, your airway treatment may include oral medications, 注射, 手术或两者结合 .

Nonsurgical treatments for complex airway conditions

Medications can help treat some airway conditions. 你的医生也可能会在气道结构中注射类固醇来减少炎症.

Endoscopic treatments for complex airway conditions

Our doctors use minimally invasive surgical treatments when possible. 这些包括:

  • 膨胀: 这个过程通过暂时充气然后取出一个小气球来伸展和打开气道.
  • 支架: 你的医生插入一个金属或硅胶管状的装置来保持气道畅通.
  • 消融治疗: 你的医生使用集中的热、冷或激光来破坏气道中的疤痕组织或肿瘤.

Open surgical procedures to treat complex airway conditions

一些气道治疗需要开放手术,其中包括皮肤切口进入气道. Our surgeons are highly experienced in all complex airway surgeries, 包括喉部的, 气管和声带:

喉 surgeries we perform include:

  • 喉神经移植: 这个手术可以恢复喉部的神经连接,帮助声带恢复功能.
  • Laryngotracheal reconstruction (laryngotracheoplasty): 你的医生从你身体的其他地方取出一小块软骨(移植)。. They then insert the graft in the windpipe to widen it and make breathing easier.
  • 部分喉切除术: This surgery removes a portion of the larynx to treat cancerous tumors.
  • 经口激光显微手术: 你的医生在内窥镜的末端使用强力激光切除喉部肿瘤.


We perform many tracheal procedures, such as:

  • Cricotracheal切除: 医生会切除喉下狭窄部分的气道,并将健康部分重新连接起来.
  • 气管切除: 你的医生会切除病变部位, scarred or narrowed portion of the trachea and connects the remaining ends.
  • 气管丁字管: A t-shaped silicone stent holds the airway open for adequate breathing. It’s typically used after tracheal stenosis surgery.
  • Tracheoesophageal fistula repair: 你的医生将气管和食道分开,并关闭每个通道的开口.
  • 气管造口术: 你的医生在你的气管上切开一个切口,在你的气道上插入气管造口管,以帮助呼吸. The process to remove a tracheostomy tube is called decannulation.
  • Tracheostomy revisions and tracheostomaplasty: Your doctor modifies or reconstructs the tracheal stoma (tracheostomy).

Vocal cords and other airway structures

Surgery for vocal cords and other airway structures may include:

  • Phonosurgery: 治疗声带异常的各种外科手术可以改善声音质量和声音产生.
  • 声带中间化手术: 这个手术将瘫痪的声带重新定位,使声带正常工作.
  • Epiglottoplasty: 当会厌(声带顶部的软骨)功能不正常或有梗阻时,这个手术会重塑会厌.
  • 咽成形术: 这个手术会重塑上颚和周围区域(咽)的软腭。, usually to treat nasal-sounding speech.


我们的耳鼻喉科医生是诊断和治疗所有复杂气道疾病的专家. 他们与一组专科医生合作,有效地管理您的病情,提高您的生活质量.

耳鼻咽喉科, 头颈外科



呼叫 310-206-6688 to schedule an appointment with an airway specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.