
The UCLA Health 心律失常 Center offers some of the most comprehensive, 国内最先进的治疗各种心律失常的方法.



The UCLA Health 心律失常 Center is one of the most comprehensive centers of its kind in the country. We provide world-class care to patients of all ages using the most advanced diagnostic and treatment tools.


Multispecialty护理: Specialists from multiple UCLA Health centers work together to offer comprehensive care. Our team includes experts in cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery and adult congenital heart disease. 我们还与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的Ahmanson健康心肌病中心密切合作, 美国西部最大的心力衰竭项目.

获得基因检测: 许多心律失常是遗传的. We offer patients and families access to genetic testing and counseling about the possibility of inherited disorders.

培训和研究: The 心律失常 Center is a major resource for research and training. We host cardiologists from around the world and offer a fellowship in cardiac electrophysiology (study of the heart’s electrical activity). Our world-renowned research team is shaping the future of cardiac electrophysiology to improve patient care and outcomes.


Our doctors care for patients through multiple programs in the 心律失常 Center. 服务包括:


心房颤动是一种不规则的心律. 我们使用最先进的技术治疗AFib患者. We specialize in treating patients who have AFib and co-existing conditions such as heart failure, 先天性心脏病(出生时存在)或既往心脏手术.


We offer comprehensive care for patients who have arrhythmias and adult congenital heart disease. Our arrhythmia experts work with specialists in the Ahmanson/UCLA Health Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center.


This clinical, research and educational program focuses on treating patients with inherited arrhythmias. We provide comprehensive evaluations so that you understand the diagnosis and how to manage it.


Ventricular tachycardia (VT) is a fast, potentially life-threatening heart rhythm. 它通常是由其他心脏问题引起的. 治疗室性心动过速的手术包括复杂的消融过程. Multiple heart specialists work together to ensure patient safety and optimal outcomes.


许多情况都会影响心律. 我们在心律失常中心治疗的一些疾病包括:

心房颤动(AFib) 当两个上心室(心房)不协调跳动时, 心跳不规律的导致心跳不规律或跳动的

心房扑动: 当心房跳动过快时,常引起心跳过快

Bradycardia: 心率缓慢,通常低于每分钟60次

Tachycardia: 心率快,一般每分钟超过100次

室性早搏: Extra, early heartbeats that start in the heart’s two lower chambers (ventricles)

室性心动过速: 从心室开始的快速心率

心室纤维性颤动: A dangerous, life-threatening arrhythmia that occurs when the ventricles don’t beat in coordination and quiver (fibrillate) instead


Our specialists offer a wide range of advanced treatments for arrhythmias including:


对许多患者来说,治疗心律失常的第一步就是药物治疗. 各种药物可以降低心脏病发作和中风的风险, 还能减缓心脏病的发展. 常用药物包括:

抗凝血剂: Also known as blood thinners, these drugs make it more difficult for your blood to form clots.

Beta blockers: 这些药物通过减缓心率来降低血压.

钙通道阻滞剂: These drugs decrease blood pressure and treat arrhythmias by blocking the flow of calcium into your heart and blood vessels.


Some patients with arrythmias benefit from implantable devices that monitor and control irregular heart rhythms. 这些装置通常被放置在胸部. 有些有导线,称为导线,延伸到心脏. 我们提供卓越的护理,并专注于困难或失败的种植. 服务包括:

起搏器植入物: This device uses low-level electrical impulses to control an abnormal heart rhythm.

植入式心律转复除颤器(ICD): An ICD detects a life-threatening arrythmia, such as the type that can cause sudden cardiac arrest. 当这种情况发生时, the ICD delivers high-level electrical pulses to shock the heart back into a normal rhythm.

领导提取: Although device wires (leads) should stay in the body long-term, sometimes they need to be removed. In rare cases, a surgeon may also need to remove the device if it becomes infected . Our arrhythmia specialists work with cardiac surgeons to remove leads using laser technology.

门诊器械门诊: 通过这个诊所, our specialists perform thousands of device checks each year to monitor function and ensure excellent outcomes.


This nonsurgical treatment uses electrical shocks to correct an irregular heart rhythm. 只需要几分钟,心脏就会恢复到正常的节奏.

电复律不同于除颤. Defibrillation is an emergency procedure that uses higher-strength shocks to correct a life-threatening arrhythmia. 医生通常会提前安排心脏电复律. It is an outpatient procedure, meaning patients can go home the same day as the treatment.  


We are one of only four centers in California with a stereotaxis magnetic navigation system. The doctor controls its low-level magnetic field to guide the catheter during ablation. 该系统还集成了标准x射线和3D x射线, 让我们可以实时查看导管的位置. This technology enables us to operate with even more precision and stability.


Sometimes an abnormal heart rhythm occurs in tissues just outside the heart muscle. 要访问此区域, our surgeons insert a needle through the chest into the lining of the sac that surrounds the heart (pericardium). 然后他们插入导管消融工具. We were the first center in the western United States with a program dedicated to this innovative procedure.


Our electrophysiologists (doctors who specialize in the heart’s electrical system) and surgery teams work together closely. We use innovative approaches to manage arrhythmias, such as the Maze procedure . This minimally invasive surgery uses extreme heat or cold energy to create scar tissue in the upper heart chambers. 疤痕组织阻断了引起心房纤颤的不规则电脉冲.

Meet the team

Our specialists are experts in diagnosing and treating all types of arrhythmias. 除了提供卓越的病人护理, our physicians conduct research and train the next generation of clinical leaders.

Jean Gima
Jean Gima, R.N., M.N., FNP-BC
杰拉尔丁·帕维兹,R.N., MSN, ACNP-BC
Julie Sorg
Julie M. Sorg, R.N., MSN

Contact us

Call 310-206-2235 to request an appointment with a cardiac arrhythmia specialist at UCLA Health.


我们的专家提供全面的心律失常护理. 欲了解更多有关我们的服务,请致电 310-206-2235.