
我们的专家专注于个性化测试, treatment and genetic counseling for people with known or suspected genetic heart diseases. We aim to make early diagnoses to improve your chances of living a full and healthy life with heart disease.



The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 心血管遗传学 Clinic provides an interdisciplinary approach, 结合遗传学和心脏病学的专业知识. Our clinic offers individualized cardiac care to patients and families diagnosed with inherited cardiovascular conditions.


综合评估: Our team will review your medical history and collect a thorough family history. This comprehensive assessment guides ordering and interpreting your genetic testing. 我们也可能推荐其他临床评估或治疗方法.

家庭筛选: We assess the likelihood of a genetic contribution to cardiovascular disease and make screening recommendations for family members we suspect may be at increased risk. 如果我们能找出你心脏病的遗传原因, we will provide additional guidance and facilitate testing for family members.

通过研究推进护理: We believe that research is foundational to improving and advancing cardiovascular genetics care. Our physicians collaborate with the broader research community and share opportunities to be involved in trials or registries.


Genetic or inherited heart diseases are caused by a spelling change in our genetic material. 虽然这些拼写变化在出生时就存在, heart abnormalities caused by these changes can arise at any age. If you or a family member has a known or suspected genetic cardiovascular condition, you may benefit from genetic counseling to clarify the diagnosis and to see if family members may be at risk.

We provide genetic counseling as well as cardiac evaluation for a wide range of conditions, 包括: 


心肌病 are diseases of the heart muscle that make it difficult for the heart to pump blood throughout the body. This can lead to symptoms of shortness of breath, swelling or heart rhythm problems. Some people may be very mildly affected or have no symptoms at all. Some types of cardiomyopathies have a genetic component, 包括: 

扩张型心肌病: Patients may be initially diagnosed with “viral” or “idiopathic” cardiomyopathy until additional investigation reveals a genetic component. 

Arrhythmogenic心肌病: 除了心脏肌肉无力的症状, scarring in the heart muscle can lead to the development of dangerous heart rhythms.

肥厚性心肌病: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is caused by overgrowth of heart muscle cells. 有些人可能根本没有症状.

心脏淀粉样变: A progressive condition caused by a buildup of abnormal protein in the heart called amyloid. Most cases of cardiac amyloidosis are due to aging, but a subset can be caused by genetic changes. 


这些疾病影响主动脉, the largest artery in the body that carries blood away from the heart. Individuals may have aneurysms or abnormal widening of the blood vessel leading to a tear in the lining of the artery called a dissection, 医疗紧急情况. 随着年龄的增长,主动脉变大是正常的, but a genetic cause may be suspected if the size of the aorta is larger than expected, 它发生在年轻人身上, 或者如果有人有主动脉疾病的家族史.


Cholesterol levels can be affected by lifestyle factors but very high levels (greater than 190 mg/dl) of LDL, 或者“坏胆固醇”,通常是由遗传因素驱动的. Having very high LDL cholesterol levels from early childhood can cause early onset heart disease.


These genetic disorders are caused by genetic changes that affect a type of protein called ion channels, 是什么控制着心律. Channelopathies that affect the heart often cause arrhythmias, or irregular heart rhythms. 渠道病的类型包括:

心房纤颤: An arrhythmia occurring in the upper chambers of the heart that can increase the risk of stroke and heart failure. While atrial fibrillation is very common in older individuals, early onset atrial fibrillation may be associated with a genetic predisposition.

长QT综合征: Long QT syndrome affects the time it takes the heart to recharge between beats and may cause rapid and chaotic heartbeats. Avoiding certain medications is very important to prevent dangerous heart rhythms.

Brugada综合症: A rare, potentially life-threatening condition that causes a dangerously fast heartbeat. 


家庭成员突然死亡: 在年轻人中, a sudden unexplained death could be the first sign of a previously undiagnosed genetic heart condition, 比如遗传性心律失常或心肌病.

先天性心脏缺陷: the genetic factors contributing to congenital heart disease are not very well understood at this time. This means we currently do not have effective genetic tests for most of these conditions. Genetic testing can be helpful in cases where a person has other health problems, 比如其他先天缺陷, 发育迟缓, 或者学习问题. Genetic counseling can help estimate recurrence risk for family members and evaluate if testing is appropriate.

如有疑问或预约,请致电 310-825-8816 然后要求和心脏遗传调度员谈谈.


我们的心血管遗传学团队提供有针对性的, personalized care for patients with inherited cardiovascular diseases. We offer genetic counseling and support for your entire family. Our physicians are clinical leaders and active researchers advancing the field of cardiovascular genetics.

医学遗传学, 妇产科
Kristin Boulier,医学博士
Kristin Boulier,医学博士
心脏病学的 & 生物信息学博士研究生
瑞秋N. 沃利


如有疑问或预约,请致电 310-825-8816 然后要求和心脏遗传调度员谈谈.


Our team provides treatment and counseling for your whole family. 呼叫 310-825-8816 了解更多关于心血管遗传学诊所的信息.