
Our top-rated neurosurgeons use advanced techniques to offer comprehensive neurosurgical care.

Dr. Linda Liau and brain scan

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for neurosurgery?

The specialists in the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Department of 神经外科 offer comprehensive, specialized care.

We consistently rank among the best neurosurgery programs in the nation. U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 lists our neurosurgery and neurology programs among the highest-ranked in Los Angeles and the nation. Highlights of our neurosurgery offerings include:

Nationally recognized clinicians: Our neurosurgeons are leaders in their chosen field. Several of our program’s clinicians consistently rank among the “Best Doctors in America” by the American Health Council. Many of our researchers and scientists are recognized leaders in clinical neuroscience and neurobiology.

Comprehensive subspecialty care: We collaborate closely with subspecialists in neurology, critical care and other areas. This team approach allows us to offer targeted, comprehensive care.

全面的支持: If you or your child needs brain surgery, we aim to make your experience as smooth and stress-free as possible. We offer a Peer 支持 Program where we connect you with a former patient or family member who has had a similar treatment journey.

先进的服务: We use the most advanced neuroimaging options available. Our neurosurgical intensive care unit (ICU) is equipped with advanced brain monitoring technology. We offer specialized neuroendovascular suites that allow us to provide advanced treatments. 

Leaders in neurosurgery research: Our neurosurgeons are leaders in clinical research. 例如, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 neurosurgeons and head and neck surgeons pioneered a new minimally invasive approach for removing tumors. The approach offers better visualization and freedom of movement to 切除垂体瘤 confidently and precisely. It also means we have better chances of removing the entire tumor.

Convenient locations and options: Some of our neurologists rotate through outpatient locations outside of Westwood and Santa Monica. This ensures you can receive world-class care close to home. We also conveniently offer telemedicine (video visit) consultations and remote second opinion appointments.


Our neurosurgeons collaborate with many subspecialists to offer targeted care. Our areas of care include:


Neurosurgeons offer their services in multiple centers and programs, including: 

脑肿瘤中心: We are one of the leading centers in the world for brain tumor diagnosis, treatment and research. Each year, we care for more than 800 patients with brain tumors. 

Cerebrovascular Program: Many cerebrovascular conditions that affect blood flow in the brain are rare. We treat the highest number of patients with these complex conditions in the Western United States. We also partner with industry experts to develop and test the latest tools for cerebrovascular care.  

Epilepsy and Functional 神经外科 Program: For more than 30 years, we have been leaders in adult and pediatric epilepsy treatment. Between 70% and 80% of our patients experience no further seizures after surgical treatment.  

小儿神经外科: We use advanced, research-driven treatments for children. Our neurosurgeons treat a range of pediatric neurologic disorders, including 脊柱侧凸, 脑积水, 颅缝早闭 和更多的. 

Peripheral Nerve Program: Our neurosurgeons care for patients with the most complex peripheral nerve conditions, including brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injuries. 

垂体 and Skull Base Tumor Program: We have one of the most experienced pituitary tumor treatment 在国内的团队. Our neurosurgeons collaborate with endocrinologists, neuropathologists and other specialists to provide coordinated care in one convenient setting.

脊柱中心: We use state-of-the-art techniques to treat Chiari畸形症 and fluid-filled cysts in the spinal cord, called 脊髓空洞症, as well as a range of spinal disorders. Neurosurgeons collaborate closely with orthopaedic specialists to provide all types of spine surgeries.

Neurosurgical critical care

We work closely with the critical care team to treat patients who need emergency neurosurgery. Critical care programs include: 

脑损伤计划: A full team of specialists cares for patients in the neurological ICU. We provide critical care for all types of brain injuries, including stroke and spinal cord injuries.

Edie Baskin Bronson and Richard Skip Bronson CBF Laboratory: This cerebral blood flow (CBF) laboratory uses the latest tools to diagnose conditions that affect blood flow in the brain. The equipment in this lab is portable, so we can use it in the neurological ICU to offer expert care.  

Neurocritical Care Program: Neurocritical care is a unique specialty for patients with critical neurological conditions. Our neurocritical care specialists use the most advanced technology to diagnose and treat critically ill patients.

UCLA Steve Tisch BrainSPORT Program: This specialty clinic researches, treats and raises awareness about traumatic brain injury (TBI). We evaluate and treat any patient who has experienced a concussion, regardless of whether the concussion relates to a sports injury. 


Some of the most common conditions neurosurgeons treat include:

脑部肿瘤: Growths that occur in or near the brain. 

Chiari畸形症: When brain tissue presses through the base of the skull and extends into the spinal canal.

癫痫: A disorder that causes recurring seizures.

半面痉挛: A neuromuscular disorder that causes involuntary twitches in one side of the face.

垂体 tumors and skull base tumors: Tumors that grow near the base of the skull, possibly in the pituitary gland or near the optic nerve — the part of the eye that helps you see.

中风: An emergency interruption of blood flow in the brain.

创伤性脑损伤: A sudden injury that disrupts brain function. 


Our neurosurgeons perform a range of surgeries, including: 

脑出血止血: Emergency surgery to stop bleeding and relieve pressure in the brain.

脑肿瘤切除术: Removing as much of a brain tumor as possible while keeping healthy tissue intact.

Carotid endarterectomy: Removing plaque from arteries to reduce the risk of stroke.  

穿颅术: Temporarily removing a portion of the skull to operate on the brain. 

Stereotactic radiosurgery: Using focused beams of radiation to shrink tumors or other growths. 

Vagus nerve stimulation: Implanting a device that sends pulses of energy to the vagus nerve, stopping seizure activity. 

Ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VP shunt): Treatment to relieve pressure caused by fluid buildup in the brain. 


Our neurosurgeons are leaders in research, education and clinical care. We collaborate closely with multiple subspecialists to provide comprehensive neurosurgical services.


Epilepsy and Functional 神经外科, Peripheral Nerve Program
脊柱外科手术, 神经外科
垂体 and Skull Base Tumor Program, 脑肿瘤中心
Neurotrauma and Neurocritical Care
Cerebrovascular Program
脊柱中心, Peripheral Nerve Program
脑肿瘤中心, Neurofibromatosis Program, Peripheral Nerve Program
小儿神经外科, Epilepsy and Functional 神经外科
Epilepsy and Functional 神经外科
神经外科, 脊柱外科手术
脑肿瘤中心, Brain Metastasis Program, 垂体 and Skull Base Tumor Program
Neurotrauma and Neurocritical Care
脊柱中心, Peripheral Nerve Program
小儿神经外科, Cerebrovascular Program, 脑肿瘤中心
脑肿瘤中心, 垂体 and Skull Base Tumor Program

Advanced Practice Providers


Our expert neurosurgery team is committed to providing the finest and most comprehensive patient care. For help finding a neurosurgeon, call 310-825-5111.


呼叫 310-825-5111 to request an appointment with a neurosurgeon at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.