Vasculitis Care

UCLA Health specialists offer comprehensive care for vasculitis, a rare autoimmune condition that causes inflammation. 强大的专家团队提供最先进的个性化治疗.

Man with enhanced cardiovascular system

Why choose UCLA Health for vasculitis care?

The UCLA Health Vasculitis Program is the first comprehensive, 致力于南皇冠hga025血管炎治疗的多专业项目. 血管炎是一种罕见的会引起全身炎症的疾病. 我们的团队包括来自许多医学领域的专家,他们提供量身定制的护理. 我们评估18岁及以上的患者,并协调年轻患者转介到儿科风湿病学.

Highlights of our program include:

Coordinated care: 你会得到一个专门治疗血管炎的完整团队的照顾. Our team includes rheumatologists, neurologists, dermatologists, head and neck physicians, ophthalmologists, pulmonologists, nephrologists and vascular surgeons. 我们使用最先进的诊断工具和治疗方案创建个性化护理计划.

Research emphasis: As one of the nation’s most prestigious academic centers, we are at the forefront of leading-edge vasculitis research. 符合条件的患者有机会参与研究和临床试验. 我们开发新的诊断工具,研究治疗方法并跟踪结果.

Physician leaders: 我们的医生通过教育受训者来提高对血管炎的认识, physicians and allied health professionals. 我们教其他专家及早识别和评估疑似血管炎的患者,以便他们及时接受治疗.

What is vasculitis?

血管炎是一种罕见的免疫系统攻击血管的疾病, causing inflammation. 它几乎可以影响你身体的任何部位,并引起一系列的症状. Vasculitis symptoms may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Numbness or weakness
  • Skin rashes

这取决于你身体的哪个部位受到炎症的影响, 血管炎并发症可能很严重,并可能危及生命. 例如,大脑血管的炎症可能会导致中风. Vasculitis in your heart may cause a heart attack. 早期治疗血管炎以降低这些并发症的风险是很重要的.

Most of the time, doctors don’t find a clear cause of vasculitis. 这些都是罕见的情况,大多数形式的血管炎只影响一百万人中的几个人.

Types of vasculitis

Our specialists treat all forms of vasculitis, including:

Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA) vasculitis: 被称为anca的特异性抗体通过附着在被称为中性粒细胞的免疫细胞上而引起炎症. Subtypes of ANCA vasculitis include:

嗜酸性肉芽肿伴多血管炎(Churg-Strauss血管炎): This vasculitis type almost always leads to asthma. People may also have sinus problems, allergies or rashes.  

Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA): Previously known as Wegener’s granulomatosis, this type typically affects the sinuses, lungs or kidneys. 它可能导致呼吸短促、充血、慢性咳嗽或频繁流鼻血. 在GPA中,炎症导致肉芽肿的形成,免疫细胞的小簇.

Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA): MPA影响的身体系统和症状与GPA相似. 它不会引起肉芽肿,可能比GPA进展慢.

Central nervous system vasculitis (CNS vasculitis): 这种类型的血管炎影响大脑和脊柱的血管. 症状可能包括严重的头痛、意识混乱、平衡问题、视力丧失或癫痫发作. 如果不进行治疗,它会导致严重的并发症,比如中风.

Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis: 身体会产生冷球蛋白,一种不规则的免疫系统蛋白质. 当身体变冷时,冷球蛋白会聚集在一起阻塞血管. 这可能会导致肌肉无力、关节疼痛、皮疹、红色或紫色皮肤斑点(紫癜)或溃疡.

Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis): Inflammation occurs in the lining of the arteries. 它经常影响头部的动脉,尤其是太阳穴. 症状可能包括头痛、下颚痛、头皮压痛、视力改变或疲劳.

IgA vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein purpura): 一种叫做免疫球蛋白A的抗体聚集在小血管中. These clusters inflame the blood vessels and cause them to leak. This almost always leads to reddish-purple spots on the skin. It may also cause joint pain or gastrointestinal issues.

Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LCV): 当称为中性粒细胞的免疫细胞分解并引起炎症时,这种类型就会发生. It usually leads to symptoms that affect the skin, such as reddish-purple spots, an itchy or burning rash, open sores (ulcers) or fluid-filled bumps (pustules). LCV也可称为超敏性血管炎或超敏性血管炎.

Polymyalgia rheumatica: 这种类型的血管炎影响大肌肉群,特别是在臀部和肩部. 它可以导致广泛的肌肉疼痛和僵硬,并经常与巨细胞动脉炎一起发生.

Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN): 这种疾病引起广泛的炎症和对全身中小动脉的损害. 它可以影响任何器官系统,包括肾脏、心脏、肠道、肌肉或神经系统. 症状可能包括高血压、关节痛、肌肉痛或腹痛. PAN也可能导致动脉壁膨出(动脉瘤)或血栓. 

Takayasu arteritis: Inflammation occurs in the aorta, 把血液从心脏输送到身体其他部位的大动脉. It may cause arm weakness, muscle pain, a weak pulse, chest pain, high blood pressure and many other symptoms. 如果不进行治疗,可能会出现中风、动脉瘤或心力衰竭等并发症.

Urticarial vasculitis: Usually, 荨麻疹血管炎的第一个症状是皮肤上的肿块,看起来像荨麻疹(荨麻疹)。. The hives may itch or burn. 许多患有荨麻疹血管炎的人也有广泛的症状,如关节疼痛, abdominal pain or swelling deep in the skin (angioedema).

Vasculitis treatments we offer

Treatment focuses on managing symptoms, lowering inflammation and reducing your risk of complications. Vasculitis treatment may include:

  • Lifestyle changes, such as eating anti-inflammatory foods, exercising, and managing stress with healthy coping techniques
  • Medications such as steroids to control inflammation
  • 外科手术,特别是如果血管炎导致动脉瘤(血管壁上的凸起)
  • 血管炎并发症的紧急治疗,如心脏病发作或中风

Our team

Our vasculitis team includes a wide range of experts. We evaluate, diagnose and treat all types of vasculitis. 我们还教导其他医疗保健提供者识别血管炎的早期症状,以便患者得到快速治疗. Thanks to our research efforts, 符合条件的患者可以通过临床试验获得新的和有希望的治疗方案.


Director, Vasculitis Program


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Contact us

Call 310-582-6350 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的血管炎专家.

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