Emergency Preparedness



灾难每年都会破坏成千上万人的生活. 每一场灾难都会对家庭和财产造成持久的影响. 它们随时随地都可能发生,而且几乎总是毫无征兆. 让你自己和你爱的人做好准备可以帮助减少恐惧, 焦虑, and will save lives during and after an event. 灾难会发生. 你准备好了吗??

Building Your Personal Kit

第一道防线是你自己的准备工作. 当地的紧急救援人员可能无法在灾难发生后立即帮助您或您的亲人. 因此,建议您至少自给自足72小时(3天)。.

在考虑了你的家庭需求和你所在地区可能发生的灾难或紧急情况之后, 您可能希望增加库存并将您的家庭供应长度延长至2周.这可能包括水、食物、卫生设施、急救和住所.


Remember, awareness and preparedness will save lives!


Do you know that 240 million people a year dial 911?

如果几乎一半的电话都是不必要的呢? 这很糟糕,因为这让他们无法对真正的紧急情况做出反应.

如果你打电话是为了一个真正的紧急情况,第一件事就是尽可能保持冷静. 我们训练有素的专业人员通过一系列问题在最短的时间内为您提供正确的帮助...so just listen and answer. 他们可能会问你更多的问题,所以如果你知道答案,这真的很有帮助. 你也可能被要求描述某人的症状,所以尽你所能去描述.

Even if you or someone else accidentally dials 911...不要挂电话. 911调度员可能会认为你试着打电话,但打不出来.

记住,任何时候你对医疗状况感到不舒服,你都应该寻求帮助. 通过迅速行动,你可能会避免严重的紧急情况,并可能挽救生命.

Building Your Personal Plan

Immediately after a disaster, 自来水等重要服务可能会出现短期或长期的中断, 电, and communication sources.


让所有家庭成员参与识别潜在风险/危害, 撤离你家和你家附近的路线, and a meeting place to go to if you are separated.

另外, 制定一个沟通计划,如果你的家庭成员分开了,你将如何沟通,谁将是联系人. 当紧急情况发生时,你的家人可能不在一起, 所以提前计划好如何联系彼此以及如何重归于好是很重要的.



心肺复苏术(CPR)是在某人呼吸或脉搏停止时进行的. If both have stopped, then sudden death has occurred. Some of the causes of sudden death include poisoning, 溺水, 令人窒息的, 窒息, 电刑, 或者吸入烟雾. 但是,猝死最常见的原因是心脏病发作.


如果你或你认识的人有上述任何警告信号,立即采取行动. Call 911, or your local emergency number. 如果需要的话,如果你受过训练,可以做心肺复苏术,或者询问受过训练的人.


当一个人突然倒下,没有呼吸或脉搏时, 旁观者往往不愿意协助进行心肺复苏术,因为害怕做错或使情况变得更糟. 因为只有不到三分之一的心脏骤停患者在被送往医院之前接受了心肺复苏术, 美国心脏协会正在推广人工心肺复苏术. The technique consists of 2 steps: call 911, 然后用力快速地按压受害者的胸部中央. 徒手心肺复苏术可以帮助心脏病患者存活3到5分钟,这可能足够紧急医疗服务到达.

Should I get CPR Training?

CPR认证意味着你已经接受了必要的培训和实践,可以轻松地进行这项救生技术. 很多组织都有很好的心肺复苏术培训项目, which helps to save thousands of lives each year, 包括 UCLA Center for Prehospital Care.  

About the UCLA Center for Prehospital Care

The UCLA Center for Prehospital Care, 西海岸领先的急救和院前学术中心之一, 提供一系列美国心脏协会的生命支持课程,为卫生专业人员和其他工作或个人承诺需要这些救生心脏骤停管理和急救技术认证的人提供.



尽管事实上几乎任何人都可以控制危及生命的出血. All you need are your hands, and a little know-how.

In an emergency, get help. Call 911 or get another person to do so. 找到出血的源头,用一块布或一件衣服盖住伤口,直接涂抹, 稳定的, pressure with both hands until help arrives.


Once the bleeding is under control, 只要确保受伤的人呼吸顺畅舒适就可以了. 如果持续直接按压不能止血,可以使用止血带.


要了解更多关于额外实践培训的信息,请访问 UCLA Center for Prehospital Care

Earthquake Awareness and Preparedness


  • Duck, Cover, and Hold;
  • Do NOT stand in doorways or run outside;
  • If you cannot get under a table or desk, 站在内墙或建筑物的内角旁边, drop and cover your neck and head with your arms. 只有当门口离你很近,并且你知道它有很强的支撑时,才使用它作为避难所, 承重门道;
  • 如果你正在做饭,在你躺下盖上盖子之前关掉炉子;
  • 如果你在床上,躺在床上,用枕头盖住你的头.


  • 呆在那里!
  • 远离建筑物、电线和电线杆;
  • Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops.
  • 如果你在海岸上,立即转移到地势较高的地方.


  • 不要在立交桥、桥梁或隧道内或地下停车;
  • 不要在电线、灯柱、树木或标志下或附近停车;
  • 将车辆拉到路边,并设置紧急刹车;
  • Stay in your car until the earthquake is over.

If you are trapped under debris:

  • 不要点燃火柴;
  • Do not move around or kick up dust;
  • Cover your mouth with a piece of clothing or cloth;
  • Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort. 大喊大叫会使你吸入大量危险的灰尘;
  • 保持冷静.
Earthquake Awareness and Preparedness


每年,火灾造成的死亡人数超过了所有自然灾害的总和. 生活在南皇冠hga025,野火、住宅和建筑火灾是日常生活的一部分. 了解你家里和周围的危险,可能会拯救你的家和你的家人.

  • Check your smoke detectors in your home every few months.
  • 清理家中所有干燥的刷子,并遵守当地消防皇冠hga025关于刷子清理的要求.
  • 在打开任何一扇门之前,都要摸一摸门,看看门是不是热的. 如果不是,小心地打开门,站在门后. Be prepared to close it quickly.
  • If ordered to evacuate, do not hesitate. Exit routes may be blocked as a result of a wildfire.
  • 了解离家的疏散路线,以及至少两条离家的疏散路线.
  • Keep fire extinguishers in your home; particularly the kitchen.
  • Teach all family members how to use them.
  • Keep at least a ½ a tank of gas in your vehicle.


  • how to reduce fire hazards around your home
  • what to do in case of red flag weather conditions
  • what to do during a wildfire
  • what to do after a fire


恐怖主义是指违反美国刑法,对人身或财产使用武力或暴力,以达到恐吓的目的, 强迫, 或赎金.

Acts of terrorism include threats of terrorism; assassinations; kidnappings; hijackings; bomb scares and bombings; cyber attacks (computer-based); and the use of chemical, 生物, nuclear and radiological weapons.

General Safety Guidelines:

  • 注意到 your surroundings.
  • Get to know your neighbors.
  • Report suspicious activity to the Joint Regional Intelligence Center.
  • Take precautions when traveling.
  • 注意到 conspicuous or unusual behavior.
  • Do not accept packages from strangers.
  • Do not leave luggage unattended. You should promptly report unusual behavior, suspicious or unattended packages, and strange devices to the police or security personnel.
  • When traveling internationally, 不要在你的门上使用“请勿打扰”的标志,因为它表明有人入住.
  • 了解你经常出入的建筑物的紧急出口在哪里. Plan how to get out in the event of an emergency.
  • 准备好没有你通常依赖的服务——电力, 电话, 天然气, 汽油泵, 收银机, 自动取款机, and Internet transactions.


洪水 affect every state in the United States. Regardless of where you live, you should be informed on flood terms, 迹象, 并了解如果你受到洪水的影响该怎么做.

Do you live in a flood prone area?

If a flood is likely in your area, you should:

  • 注意到 洪水的术语.
  • Listen to the radio or television for information.
  • Be aware that flash flooding can occur. 如果有任何山洪暴发的可能性,立即转移到地势较高的地方. Do not wait for instructions to move.
  • 注意河流、排水渠道、峡谷和其他已知会突然发生洪水的地方. 在这些地区,无论有没有雨云或大雨等典型预警,山洪暴发都可能发生.


  • 保护好你的家. If you have time, bring in outdoor furniture. Move essential items to an upper floor.
  • 如果接到指示,关闭主开关或阀门上的公用设施. Disconnect electrical appliances. 如果你是湿的或站在水里,不要触摸电气设备.


  • Do not walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can make you fall. 如果你必须在水里走,走在水不动的地方. 用一根棍子检查前方地面的牢固程度.
  • Do not drive into flooded areas. If floodwaters rise around your car, 如果安全的话,弃车到地势较高的地方去. You and the vehicle can be quickly swept away.


  • 6英寸的水将到达大多数乘用车的底部,造成失控和可能的失速.
  • A foot of water will float many vehicles.
  • 两英尺的激流可以冲走大多数车辆,包括运动型多用途车(SUV)和皮卡.


这些是你应该知道的常用洪水术语, in case you are in a flood-prone area.

  • 洪水的手表
    可能发生洪水. 收听NOAA天气广播、商业广播或电视获取信息.
  • 山洪警戒
    Flash flooding is possible. Be prepared to move to higher ground; listen to NOAA Weather Radio, 商业电台, or television for information.
  • 洪水警报
    Flooding is occurring or will occur soon; if advised to evacuate, do so immediately.
  • 山洪警告
    A flash flood is occurring; seek higher ground on foot immediately.


Everyone reacts differently following a disaster. Most reactions are considered normal and are temporary. 然而,预测可能的反应可以帮助你成功转变.


  • 易怒和愤怒
  • 食欲不振
  • 噩梦
  • 头痛
  • 多动
  • Hyper-alertness
  • 乏力
  • 无法入睡
  • 悲伤
  • 恶心想吐
  • 注意力不集中
  • Increase in alcohol or drug consumption


  • Talk with someone about your feelings - anger, 悲伤, and other emotions - even though it may be difficult.
  • 向处理灾后压力的专业咨询师寻求帮助.
  • 不要因为无法直接参与救援工作而认为自己应该为灾难事件负责或感到沮丧.
  • 采取措施,通过健康的饮食来促进你自己的身体和情感的愈合, 休息, 锻炼, 放松, 和冥想.
  • Maintain a normal family and daily routine, 限制自己和家人的责任.
  • Spend time with family and friends.
  • 利用现有的家庭、朋友和宗教机构的支持团体.
  • 通过补充你的灾难用品包和更新你的家庭灾难计划,确保你为未来的事件做好准备. Doing these positive actions can be comforting.