

呼叫 310-825-5111 to learn more about our world-class pediatric neurosurgery services.

We want to reunite children with their parents as soon as possible after a surgery or procedure. We will contact you immediately after your child’s surgery 和 direct you where to go to see him/her.

After surgery, we will either take your child to the 麻醉后护理病房(PACU) 康复或转入重症监护病房(ICU), 这取决于手术的类型, 孩子的年龄和任何特殊的照顾需求. The surgical team now transfers your child’s care to the inpatient care team.


Child patient laying with teddy bear in hospital bed

While in recovery, we will closely monitor your child as he/she wakes from anesthesia. For health 和 safety reasons, only two adults at a time can be with your child while in the PACU. Siblings under 18 will not be allowed to visit in the PACU, 但如果你的孩子被录取了,可能会晚点来. 阅读访问者指南 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院 和 罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心.

You may feel overwhelmed or frightened the first time you see your child after surgery. 这是父母的正常反应. The surgical team will be there to help explain what is going on. 下面是一些你需要准备的事情:

  • Your child may be connected to one or several monitors. His/her face may seem puffy or swollen, 和 there may be tubes or IVs.
  • If your child has a breathing tube in his/her mouth (doctors use this to keep your child breathing safely during 和 after surgery), 他或她将无法说话或哭泣. Your child will regain his/her voice as soon as the tube is removed.
  • Some children experience confusion or excitement as they wake from anesthesia. 这种反应被称为“涌现性谵妄”.” It may be distressing to see your child crying or upset from emergence delirium, 但这并不意味着你的孩子在痛苦. 阅读更多关于 emergence delirium 和 what you need to know about anesthesia.
  • A nurse 和 a doctor will be assigned to your child to monitor 和 keep him/her safe 和 as comfortable as possible. This includes checking vital signs 和 giving additional pain medication as necessary.


Most children feel some degree of discomfort when they wake from surgery, whether from pain or swelling around the incision, 呼吸管引起的喉咙痛, 或恶心.

你最了解你的孩子. Here is how you can help our surgical team 和 your child during the recovery period:

  • Tell the PACU nurse what tends to soothe your child.
  • 如果你的孩子正在睡觉,不要叫醒他/她.
  • Speak calmly 和 quietly, in ways your child will find reassuring.
  • The PACU doctor will determine when it is safe for your child to start eating 和 drinking. We will start with clear liquids 和 popsicles 和 work toward a light snack such as crackers. Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids once the surgical team gives the go-ahead.

Most parents are worried about their child experiencing pain after surgery. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院 is continually improving the way we think about 和 manage pain in children. 父母是我们最重要的伙伴. Read about what our team does — 和 what you can do — to 帮助控制孩子的疼痛.


After spending time in the PACU 和 这取决于手术的类型, your child will either be admitted to the hospital or go back to the pretreatment unit (PTU) to be discharged home. 在门诊手术中心, we will discharge your child directly from recovery once he/she is alert 和 stable.

Where your child goes after surgery depends on the specific type of procedure 和 whether your child’s medical condition needs further monitoring. 另外, 安全预防措施, if your child was born pre-term (before 37 weeks gestation) or if your child is currently younger than 2 months old, he/she may need to stay in the hospital up to 24 hours after the procedure. If you do not know whether or not your child will be admitted, 向你孩子的外科医生咨询.

If no admission is needed, the surgical team will assess 和 discharge your child when he/she:

  • Has stable vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, temperature 和 breathing)
  • Is able to drink some liquids without becoming nauseated or vomiting
  • Is managing any pain 和 feels comfortable enough to go home

在你离开之前, the surgical team will provide all the necessary follow-up care instructions, including any prescriptions needed for pain medication. A nurse will give you written instructions 和 review any home care. If it is not clear in the instructions, make sure to ask about:

  • 药物和处方
  • Special instructions for changing wound dressings
  • 活动限制,包括上学
  • 沐浴或淋浴限制
  • Signs 和 symptoms of possible complications 和 who you should call if you notice them
  • 后续任命

Admission to 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院 After Surgery


If your child underwent a more extensive surgery or has an underlying medical condition, he/she may need to be admitted to the hospital to continue to recover. Your child’s surgeon will tell you ahead of time how long you can expect your child to stay in the hospital after surgery.

阅读更多关于 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院 (包括可下载的pdf).


了解更多关于 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院 surgery locations, including directions 和 parking information, as well as complete contact information.