
呼叫 310-825-5111 to learn more about our world-class pediatric neurosurgery services.

Our team will do everything we can to keep your child comfortable before, during and after surgery. We will also keep you and your family informed of everything happening the day of surgery.

Get directions to surgery locations.


Once you arrive at your surgery location, you and your child will head to the Admissions Office.

  • At Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, the Admissions Office is located on the first floor of the hospital. 寻找地图和方向.
  • At UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center, the Admissions Office is located on the first floor of the hospital in room G314. 寻找地图和方向.
  • For the Ambulatory Surgery Center, you and your family will come to the check-in desk at the scheduled outpatient surgery location. 寻找地图和方向 to the 韦斯特伍德的位置 和 圣莫尼卡地点.

After you check in, you and your child will wait in the surgical waiting area. When it is your child’s turn, an escort will take you to check into the Pretreatment Unit (PTU). This is where you and your child will stay in preparation for surgery.

Pre-Surgery: What to Expect


  1. 改变的衣服: You and your child will enter a private exam room where your child will change into a hospital gown. Please keep your child’s clothes with you for after surgery.
  2. 健康检查: Your child’s nurse will assess your child’s health status, take your child’s vital signs, ask about your child’s current medications, and ask about the last time he/she ate or drank.
  3. 与团队见面: You will meet the members of your child’s surgical and anesthesia team. Feel free to ask the surgeon any questions you may still have about the surgery. You will have a chance to review the anesthesia plan. 找出 what to know about anesthesia.
  4. 儿童生活专家: For procedures and surgeries in the main hospital, a 儿童生活专员 通常是可用的. They help children cope with hospitalization, 经常使用play, and are experts at explaining what is happening in child-friendly terms: “There will be a lot of bright lights and equipment, 和 doctors and nurses will be wearing masks and long gowns.”
  5. 镇静: The anesthesiologist may give your child a sedative or relaxing medicine. This can make the child act silly and become sleepy. After taking it, your child should remain sitting in the hospital bed.
  6. 等待: You will stay with your child while he/she is waiting to go to the operating room (OR).

During Your Child’s Surgery: What to Expect

When it is time for your child to go to the operating room, here is what you can expect:

  1. 传输: One of our team members will bring your child to the OR. Parents usually do not accompany their child into the OR. However, in certain situations, parents may be allowed into the OR with their child. Your team will discuss this with you. The 儿童生活专员 can also help with transferring your child from the PTU to the operating room. This is particularly helpful for special needs children.
  2. 在手术室里: Your child will receive anesthesia. The 儿童生活专员 is available to stay in the OR while your child receives anesthesia, if this is part of the plan that you 和 team create. 学习 what you need to know about anesthesia.
  3. 等候室: Once your child leaves for the OR, you will gather your belongings, 和 staff will direct you where to wait during your child's surgery. All family members and friends who accompany you and your child on the day of surgery should wait in this area.
  4. 保持现场: A parent or legal guardian must be on-site with your child throughout the day of surgery. We ask that you not leave the hospital/surgery center during your child's stay, 甚至在手术过程中.
  5. 手术后: We will let you know as soon as your child’s surgery is complete. Someone from the surgery team will tell you how the surgery went and answer your questions.
  6. 看望孩子: We make every effort to reunite you with your child as soon as possible after routine surgery in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) 复苏的地区. If your child is taken to an intensive care unit (ICU) after major surgery, we will give you instructions on how to get there.


读到 what to expect after your child’s surgery.